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Nursing a little one with egg sensitivity - breakfast suggestions?

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Hi!  I am currently nursing my 7mo old son and I think he has a sensitivity to eggs- it's not confirmed, but I did notice he developed a rash shortly after I started eating a lot more eggs than usual.  I have since cut eggs out and it's pretty much gone, so that's what I'm assuming! Anyways, I usually relied on eggs for a quick, easy, and cost effective source of protein for most breakfasts and sometimes lunch.  Do you mamas have any easy egg-free breaky suggestions?  I also have a hungry 3 year old to feed, so I don't have too much time in the morning for lenghtly preparations. Thanks!!

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Meatballs maybe? You can make a lot of them and than freeze what you won't eat in 3-4 days. I am also egg-free lately and I also often make sure I have leftovers from dinner. very quick to warm with some fresh veggies on the side.

Or I also made fried chicken enough for many meals and used it with salads, soups, etc

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I did my whole30 without eggs to try and identify a sensitivity.  I ate a lot of weird things for breakfast, but my favorite ended up being this turkey larb (I know, the name is not that appetizing) in lettuce wraps with avocado. (just omit the non-compliant ingredients.  I added a tablespoon of coconut aminos too):




I would also make a big batch of ground pork, sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms and asparagus to eat (with avocado on top).   This mix always seemed to go well with some sweet potato hashbrowns (which my 2yo likes).


To make things easier during the weekday I pre-made one of these in a big batch on Sunday, and then just had to heat it up each morning for breakfast.  


Another good mix is roasted sweet potatoes, apples, brussel sprouts and pears.  Eat this on top of riced cauliflower.  So good. 


Good luck.  Eggless breakfasts can be weird, but once you get over needing "breakfast" food they can also be quite delicious!

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