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Tues May 27 1st time


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Starting Whole30 tomorrow :) first time, looking forward to seeing how my body changes. Need some resources for recipes, Ive been getting a few from nomnompaleo. what is your favorite source? favorite meal? what to pack for a lunch on the go?

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The books Well Fed and Well Fed 2 by Melissa Joulwan are good resources for a lot of Whole30ers. But for quicker access (since you're starting tomorrow), try these websites: The Clothes Make the Girl (by Melissa) and Stupid Easy Paleo.


You'll find a lot of other recipes online, but the responsibility is still yours to check that the recipes you find really are Whole30 compliant. (A lot of meals that are labeled compliant may not be.) Here's the meal template you should memorize by heart, and here's the official list of things you can and can't have on Whole30.


And if you're unsure about anything, do a search in these forums (such as your questions on meals on the go, favorite meals, etc.). More likely than not, what you want to know has been discussed before. If it doesn't show up, then don't hesitate to post your question. We'll be glad to answer the best way we can.


Good luck!

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