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Backpacking for 3 days...


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I am trying to decide whether to keep up my whole 30 while I go backpacking or start over afterward.  (It begins when I'm 23 days into my current whole30.  The problems is that the idea of dehydrating foods to take is stressing me out.  I have never dehydrated meat or vegetables and it seems overwhelming.  I have dehydrated fruit though.  Does anyone have suggestions for me? 

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three days isn't very long. For that amount of time I would just bring fresh food and not worry about dehydrating anything. Things I brought on a recent backpacking weekend: baggie with cut up red and yellow bell peppers, a couple containers of cauliflower "tabouhleh" salad from clothes make the girl, hard boiled eggs, smoked chicken breast, beef sticks (like softer jerky), packets of almond butter, bananas. Fresh food is heavier, but it is so much more satisfying that it was worth it to me.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I'd love to hear what you come up with.  I have stayed paleo on shorter trips (2-3) but never W30 compliant.  Cheese is what made the paleo food doable for me.  If money is of little issue for you, you can try pemmican from US Wellness or check out this site - lots of options but I have no idea if any are W30 - I just know of the guy because he is local.  

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or check out this site - lots of options but I have no idea if any are W30 - I just know of the guy because he is local.  


Sorry littleg, there is literally not a single item on the website you linked that would be compliant.  :( hopefully before too long someone will see this as an opportunity and start selling compliant backpacking food.

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I like the EPIC bars a lot. They are like jerky bars, only not so ... chewy, more soft. The Lamb and the Turkey are compliant. Bison is not (sugar in the bacon). RXBars are mostly sweet using dates and figs but they do have some protein in them (egg whites). You could use them in addition to the EPIC bars, but be careful, they are like candy bars.


Sweet potato (and other veggies too) baby food in squeeze packets are shelf stable. Check your ingredients as brands differ.


Baby carrots will last awhile. Sugar snap peas and celery and broccoli too.


Don't forget unsweetened coconut flakes, they are great for some energy on trail.


I am dying to try the Pemmican from US Wellness Meats. It is probably an acquired taste, but this is what was used back in the day when people were exploring. It's the real deal!

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Okay, we leave tomorrow.  Here is what I have made...


Beef, Chicken and Fish Jerky

a dehydrated variety of squashes and I'm currently making sweet potato fruit leather - I might try a green version of fruit leather too. 

dehydrated bananas, strawberries and blueberries. 


I bought 2 epic bars, a few kit's organic bars and larabar's and a bag of freeze dried - compliant fruit/veggie blend I found in the baby food isle.  =)

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