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going to stay with my grandparents


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Next weekend I'm going to stay with my grandparents. My grandma is a very typical 'feeder' and loves making massive meals, desserts etc. How can I frame it to her that I want to eat whole30 compliant foods?

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Maybe, instead of rattling down a huge list of what you don't eat (we all know that's not how most grannies work ;) ), rather try to focus on what you do eat (and like!) and tell her "I looooove <compliant foods>"?

That way you get yummy Whole30 meals and she is happy because she makes you happy with what she cooks for you and you love it so much. :)

Take advantage of someone else actually wanting to do the cooking for you! Happily! For free! It's a dream come true! ;)

Stay calm and don't freak out too much about food - enjoy the time with your grandparents!

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The easiest for her to understand might be "let's grill X, and then have a salad and fresh fruit afterwards" - that's simple. Baked sweet potatoes still let grandparents feel like you're enjoying baked potatoes with them, etc. Plus you can make your own favorite salad dressing combo (whether that's bringing homemade mayo made into ranch/whatever creamy dressing or vinegar/oil/spices) and let them try it.


If your grandmother is like my hubby's, then the desserts will be all around. If it comes down to it, eat fruit when you want the *whatever special thing* that she made or get away from the situation. Take a walk, have an apple with almond or cashew butter, whatever. Go outside if the food is in, inside if the forbidden food is out. Play games, talk, and try to turn their focus from eating.


Good luck!


Oh, and if all else fails, explain to her that you are doing an elimination diet to try to improve your health and that, while you've always wanted *special dessert* in the past, you can't right now. But if she'd like, you can toss some of it into the freezer to save until you're done with your elimination diet. You can also ask, in this conversation, if it would be possible for her to not offer you *whatever your weakness is* because the elimination diet is really hard, but you really need to figure out why your health is doing *insert reason for Whole30 here*. Frame it in a light where her love and concern for you will make her want to help you with this diet, not sabotage your will power.

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Oh, I just saw in your other post that you actually just finished your Whole30. (Congrats!)

So, IMHO, one more reason to work on a healthy relationship with food (and grannies) and not go apeshit about every micro-bite of potentially non-compliant ingredient. ;)

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Gran, I've found that I feel so much better when I don't eat grains and sugar. I know you love to bake for me but it just makes me feel pretty bad the next few days. But I'd love it if you made such and such a dish that I love (which is compliant).

And if you're post-whole 30, worst comes to worst and you eat something non-compliant because gran didn't quite get it, at least you tried.

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Oh man, it was great to read these responses. I'm staying with 2 sets of in laws for the next week (with 10 hour road trips before and after) and I'm battling so much anxiety over explaining this diet. We are going "back home" to visit so everyone wants to celebrate with feasts. I can cook wherever I stay, but I'm mostly worried about explaining what I'm doing a million times. And since I lost 12 pounds on my first whole30, I know people will say- "you don't need to lose anymore" and suggest that I quit. It's a little stressful to stay anywhere that's not home to begin with. I don't know if my best bet is to prep everyone before visiting or just show up with my own food. (I think it's so hard to explain what's compliant and what's not, and I can totally see my sweet mother-in-laws trying to cook something for me and it not being compliant and I would have to turn it down=rude/embarrassing). Also, I know there's no such thing as a perfect whole30 but I am really dreading how messed up my meals will be. Larabars, nuts, and bananas will probably get me through our trip, but not without a ton of guilt. 

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