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Food groups: All or Nothing?


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I noticed that the reintroduction sample lumps the groups together and I'm wondering if that's because it really is all or nothing.


Today was going to be legumes testing day but peanuts made me get sick and throw up shortly after eating some. Do I end testing for the day and test other legumes on another day after I've recovered?  Is it even possible to tolorate legumes if the body is reacting to one member of the legume family or is my reaction to the peanuts an absolute against all legumes? 


If I've tested two non-gluten grains and one was a disaster and the other was not good but not as catastrophic, do I even bother testing more grains?  I have celiac so won't be testing gluten grains at all.  is it possible to be okay with some of the grains or is my body telling me to stay away from all grains, period?

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I am not an expert but I believe that you can tolerate some food and not others. I can eat black beans without any trouble but kidney beans really bother me. I would try different beans, grains or whatever to see which ones you can tolerate. I know that some gluten free grains can react just like gluten so I think it is important to figure out which ones work for you. Have you checked out the paleo mom? She has some great information about cross reactivity of gluten free grains. Good luck!

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I think whole30 lumps them together to make things simpler. In Sarah Ballanyne's book, The Paleo Approach, she outlines a much more extensive reintroduction. She breaks the eliminated foods into 4 categories, ordered from most-likely to be able to reintroduce, to least-likely. Her reintroduction process is to pick one individual food and take a small nibble of it, wait 15 minutes, take a slightly larger nibble, wait 15 minutes, take a whole bite, wait 15 minutes, take 2 bites, wait 15 minutes, then eat a normal sized serving. Then don't eat that food again for 3-7 days, and don't reintroduce any other foods for those 3-7 days either. If you don't have any reaction, then that food is successfully reintroduced and you can eat it, as well as move on to trying out the next food. In her book, foods are not lumped into groups, you test each individual food separately, as there can even be difference between organic and non, between brands that might be manufactured differently, etc. so you might be fine with grass-fed raw heavy cream or butter, but totally not ok with whole cows milk, because maybe you are a little sensitive to lactose or casein or whey, which are prevalent in whole milk, but drastically reduced in heavy cream, and even more so in butter. Quantity counts. Your body might be totally fine with small amounts of some things, but large amounts cause a bad reaction.


Peanuts are one of the most prevalent allergies in the world. Not near as many people are allergic to kidney or black beans. 

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Everyone is so unique but most people seem to have troubles with frankengrains.  GMO's.      Corn, wheat and soy.


I have 9 more days to finish and I'm going to be on a reintro plan.   I'm looking into some rye from the Nordic region...non GMO's.  How about lentils?  They're tame for many people.   I'm going to do all of the food groups with my food pyramid upside down from the standard version.


I won't be adding processed cereals, bakery goods loaded with sugar/corn syrup, white doughy pizzas, breads and pastas, chocolate candies (truffles).


I will be having split pea and lentil soups; favorite legumes, non GMO rye, plain Greek yogurt, baked potatoes w/skin, wild rice.  I can't wait to have Japanese/Chinese dishes - no MSG, sans white rice....loaded to the brim with every kind of vegetable.  Fruits, of course.

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My system seems to be finally clearing from the peanuts so I think tomorrow will be able to be a testing day right on schedule.  I haven't decided on what but I do have a few different grain and legume items under my roof awaiting their turns. 

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