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Dan J

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I am a huge fan of KStar's and definitely consider his word on mobility and injury prevention to be as close to gospel as you can get, but I think you need to try it and see how it works for you.

People have been icing for a very long time, and many people have seen a lot of benefit from ice baths, etc...but KStar's rationale makes sense.

Try both, see which is better for you, and keep doing it!

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This has certainly been a hot topic in the crossfit world lately. At our gym, this is the approach we are taking:

We still advocate using Ice for reducing inflammation, reducing delayed onset muscle soreness, acute muscle soreness, to treat tendonitis, and to prevent those same ailments. Icing should be sworn off? that is not the message from Kstar, though i think he did a poor job of communicating that.

Keeping the body's core temperature down is key. In competition and intense training - keeping the feet and hands cold dramatically increases recovery, or rather delays the panic in the body to allow you to continue hammering away. Hot showers don't help anyone. Room temp or cold showers provide a number of benefits. Cold is good. Cold turns on the bodies own repair mechanisms, and increases ketone burning. We do not recommend the water temperature to be painfully cold.

I don't think we should swear off icing.

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Thanks for all the responses! I am definitely not going to drop ice, jump into a hot shower while attaching myself to a Marc Pro. I am going to play around with what KStarr was recommending and see what works for me. I was just curious to see what other peoples thoughts were since I am a big fan of his too. Thanks again!

Oh and Clifton has a nice post of his experimenting with it which is pretty interesting:


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