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Are you eating the same thing EVERYDAY like me??


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Hi guys!! So, I am loving this whole 30 and I especially love the changes I am already seeing in my body and how I feel. BUT, I seem to be eating the same things OVER, and OVER, and OVER. Are any of you doing that too? If not, what are you doing to mix it up a little? I would love some quick, easy ideas. I have the well fed cookbook and I have used that some. I guess my biggest problem is my picky family. I keep it simple for them. OR I cook them things that aren't so paleo and I eat my own thing. So this is a typical day for me:

BF egg scramble with chicken, peppers, onion, jalepenos, salsa

Lunch Salad with lots of veggies and chicken or ground bison

Dinner A meat (bison, lamb, chicken) and a side of veggies.

Super simple, super easy, but I can see how I might get super bored LOL!!

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Maybe check out some other meats and/or dig into vegetables you're not usually a big fan of to see if you might enjoy them prepared another way. We've been doing brussels sprouts a lot -- I thought I hated them, but I don't if they're roasted. There's some sweet potato fritter recipes floating around the forum that seem like a good breakfast veggie option, and there's always frittatas and egg or meat muffins, which are nice to make to have on hand. I generally horse around a lot with spices to try to shake things up. We had some luck making soups, too -- they have basically the same things in them (meat and veggies), but they feel different to eat, so I find them nice.

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I sometimes eat the same thing for 2 or 3 meals in a row, but then I'm on to the next thing. There really are a lot of choices if you look around. The meal map in It Starts With Food makes it simple to mix and match protein, veggies, and spices to get variety onto your plate. Or you could look around my site at http://www.wholelifeeating.com/recipe-index/. Many of the recipes I publish can be cooked pretty quickly and with just a few steps.

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