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Reintroducing 1/2 & 1/2...


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Finished up my 30 days and I started out reintroducing 1/2 & 1/2 this morning in my coffee. Well, not so good. I felt like chugging the whole carton. Probably not a good sign. My boss thought I was having an allergy attack because I sounded so congested. I thought I was doing fine... Oh well, I guess that is something that I will have to leave off the list of safe foods. Anyone else experience anything like this on reintroducing different foods?

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The main reason I am doing the WHOLE30 is to test myself for dairy sensitivity (removing my already modest servings of dairy is the only significant change from the way I normally eat).

I am on day 10, so I have a while to wait before I can test. The main thing I miss at this point is heavy cream in my coffee, so I sympathize. I have not had coffee in 10 days. Coconut milk coffee doesn't send me.

I do not usually suffer hay fever symptoms, but my head oozed from day two through day nine. Did you experience anything like that?


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I noticed less sinus congestion(ie almost none) during the 30 days. I don't remember any strong detox symptoms, other than some tiredness. I finished my 30 days and after 3 days of just the half and half, the congestion is back, along with the dull ache I get in my teeth, and yellow thick sticky phlegm. I'm dropping all dairy again and will try re-introducing heavy cream after another 30 or 60 days. I was really hoping I was going to be okay with this little amount, but I guess not at this point of the journey.

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