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Possible hypoglycemia today Day 3?

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   I am on day 3 of my Whole30. Today (4th of July) I was working in our local 4th celebration. It was hot and I started feeling unwell (profuse sweating and nausea and feeling faint.... couldn't think clearly). I had plenty of water to drink (about 40 oz from 9a-11a) but I kept feeling bad.... I finally took a break and had someone bring me food to eat (bunless burger with lettuce and tomato) as it struck me that it was possibly hypoglycemic symptoms (I literally couldn't stand up). The symptoms eased as soon as I had some food. I do take Metformin for Insulin Resistance. I had a breakfast of ground beef, sweet potato, summer squash, spinach and an egg on top. 


Has anyone else had a hypoglycemic incident while doing the Whole30? It is evening and I am just now feeling more like myself. 


Thank you


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The composition of your breakfast looks good and hopefully you ate a plate full of food, but what you ate for breakfast is not the only thing relevant. Many people fail to eat enough when they begin a Whole30. Many don't realize how much they have to eat to make up for all the things they are no longer eating. If you were eating less than you need during the first three days, it could have caught up to you on day 4 even with a good breakfast. 


So I would raise what you have been eating since the beginning and how well you met the amounts recommended in the meal planning template: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

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Thank you. I will take a look at it again. I feel like I have eaten a LOT. LOL This came over me so suddenly. I have cancelled my activities for tomorrow to concentrate on myself and eating. I have had a problem of my husband out eating me in the meat area.... I baked a whole chicken the other day and came home to just a breast and a quarter left! 


Thanks for your attention.


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Another possible culprit is salt. If you ate a SAD diet before you were eating lots of salt, now on the whole30 you are eating less or none if you don't salt your food. If you were hot all day that could possibly be a cause. Make sure you are eating enough like Tom said and make sure you don't skimp on salt. Hope you have a better day!

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Thank you. I actually believe in salt... I had a doc tell me years ago that salt is not bad. I was doing the Bradley method and the doc that wrote their diet told me to add salt back in when I was having bad headaches. In heat I will have a bit more. (I salted some cantaloupe when I got home becaue of the profuse sweating.) I do not eat a LOT of salt, but will add some to cooking, etc. I DO however have issues with minerals (blood low in magnesium and can suffer from bad cramps). Since eating alleviated the worst symptoms fairly quickly yesterday, I think my late thought of hypoglycemia was correct. 


Today I was very careful and have felt good... a bit nauseaus earlier but kinda expecting a bit of a funk at this point. 


Thanks again!


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