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Rosann, you just protected your evening...no bad behavior, but that young couple, too classy!


Rose, sadly I might commiserate, more than participate in ass kicking. Hang in there honey....


Busy week...I'll get to Dave and his "72 Masters" a little later.



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Okay, shower done, I will take 5 with my favorite family of choice.


I too am finding that I have not found my strength to stay focused and I am truly feeling the sharp results of that. I'm back to eating breakfast at my desk as opposed to at home at the table. Lunch is currently at the mercy of my boss, but I could put my foot down. Somehow I feel a bit like a goody two- shoes always being on an "eating plan" and a bit stupid because I'm not losing weight. I liked that I could tell people the eating plan was to alleviate the pain and it is and it was, and it did and now it isn't and I have to be done and get back to doing what I was so I start feeling like I was...you see?


I'm in a good mood, but I want to be a lean machine. I want to eat clean, workout, play tennis, hike, jacuzzi, never think of food (that green poopy diaper helps darling Rose)and I want to  be that shining "older sis" of Masters Dave and Swimming Rick and sister from another mother of all the darling dirty woman on this blog.


I want more from my life, and I'm going to take it. NO accepting second best. I want to follow Meadow in search of my tight jeaned, cowboy hat wearing, bronco riding stud.


Okay, need to start another load of laundry, feed the furry ones, cook some breakfast to eat at my desk and run out the door...but starting tomorrow, WATCH OUT WORLD>


Hugs and love,


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What dear people you are.

Dave, I don't have anything against Catholics, I was raised Catholic and my mother and family are all extremely religious people. I simply found that I couldn't agree with the teachings of the church, or any church for that matter. It's not in me. I think that every faith has its beauty and likewise its uglier face. The paedophilia scandals that have rocked the church are indicative of a greater social malaise, a lot of people (parents, teachers, police) turned blind eyes to what was happening, and that is as bad as participating in my view. What upset me about the service (and I know it shouldn't because I know that funeral services in the faith are a sacrament and therefore tend to have a more religious focus than a personal one) was how it obscured the truth of this person and whitewashed him right out of proceedings. It made me inutterably sad. Perhaps my phrasing could have been more sensitive, I know the church has to put its message out in the ways it knows how, maybe I just don't like the delivery system. Also, it didn't help that the poor priest was not the most literate individual (he used several words that were definitely his own personal inventions: 'privateness' anyone?) and abuse of the language is a great sin in my book.

I've looked over some other threads about this apres 30 slump. Seems pretty common. Just another example of perfectionists who cannot stand to do something poorly or to try and fail without an authority figure to rely upon (that particularly burns me up, because I is a rebel). 

So I apologise if I offended anybody of faith, its not my intention to hurt your feelings or make you feel judged by me. I have no right to do that and wouldn't dream of doing so. I do not want to be guilty of the thing I dislike most, a hight and mighty stance built on ignorance.

And Dave, I loved your church pranks. Very much. Your kids totally tell on you in confession.

Miki, thanks for the buck up. Rosann, I have small kids and I hate inflicting them on people in public. Manners matter in this house and sometimes I think the very little people do not have the boredom threshold for restaurant excursions. It is miserable for them, for you and for everybody in the vicinity. You're not a bad person for wanting to avoid other people's progeny. I also do it when I escape them for an evening. Nuff said (but then I definitely do not claim niceness as a characteristic, I'm owning the word beeatch).

Love to all,


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Interesting post that I just read elsewhere on the forum:


Your brain, not your stomach, tells you when to stop eating

Hunger is in the mind. Dr Suzanne Higgs at Birmingham University carried out a remarkable experiment to prove it. Her team gave a group of amnesiacs a lunch of sandwiches and cakes. When everybody had finished eating, they cleared away and brought in a fresh lunch 10 minutes later. A control group of people with no memory problems groaned and refused any more food. The amnesiac group tucked in and ate the same again.

When we eat in front of the television or while looking at our computer screen at work, we are not giving lunch or dinner our full attention. Our brain is not registering how much we have eaten and we may well feel we haven't had enough. Higgs is working on a phone app so that people can take pictures of their meals and snacks as a reminder that they've actually had enough.

My giddy-up has to get.   

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Rose - I, for one, was not offended.....(it takes a lot to offend me...keep trying) since I am pretty good about questioning everything that I have been taught about religion. If I could get away with it, my "church" wood be in the woods or the marsh, enjoying what God has given to me. But.....I also know that I need to be a good role model for my children. Once they are grown, they are free to scamper around the globe believing whatever suits them best....as long as it's not Presbyterian, Jewish, Baptist, Lutheran, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology, Air Force Doctorine, Jenny Craig, or anything other than Catholic..hahahahahaha...Just kidding! Be free little monkeys...do what you will! I'm not sure if I followed you regarding the funeral. If you were dissapointed that the priest glossed over the poor choices that this person made.....well, that's standard practice at a funeral. The church doesn't believe that we should be allowed to cast judgement on the dead...that is for God to do. We are there to mourn, not relive the sins that the person committed during their life.......thank goodness! If that was the case, they would tell people at my funeral they might want to find a comfortable seat....we're going to be here for awhile!


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I'm gone for 5 mins and I come back to find y'all putting the religious world to rights! Awesome. 


Dave you are hi-lar-ious with your church antics. I must have the mind of a 12 year old also bcs I laughed out loud at God penetrating those who return to the church. Omgggggggg. Your new deck looks like it will be fabulous! Give my regards to the Captain. You are so lucky that work pays for you to go back to school! I would be all over that. 


Rose, I was decidedly unoffended by anything you said and think you are of extremely sound mind and judgment in all of it. I am so sorry that the funeral was  not more uplifting, and I mean that in the best possible way. What a shame. My theory is that unfortunately those left behind are usually too grief stricken to do anything more than go on auto pilot. My ex husband and I both have very specific "life celebration" plans (mine includes much tequila) that we have promised the other to execute - I recommend this to all. I recently went to a funeral of a guy I knew who was murdered (random act of violence), it was terribly sad but his wife sang, and gave such an amazingly powerful eulogy about violence being the result of people not being loved enough, and we need to love each other more - it was everything a funeral should be and I was so happy for poor dead Marcus. 

Anyway, after your experience I'm not surprised you are feeling a little down at heel. That PLUS W30- slump is tough. Its good to know that the post W30 slump is normal - I too have food fatigue. Yet as you say, if we don't cook for ourselves we're often kinda screwed. I give all of you with kids so much credit - its just me and the cat and I feel like its a lot to keep up with. Hang in there, sending strength, love, and virtual pre cooked paleo meals. And I will come to all of y'alls funerals and whoop it up, don't worry. 


Rosann, wow, that is a great story but you shouldn't feel in any way bad for wanting to sit elsewhere. It was a generous gesture on their part but who knows, maybe a manipulative one so you'd feel guilty!! 


CC - last day right? Phew!


Miki - yeah! Go sister! I love your mission statement. I feel you so hard on the goody two shoes thing. WHERE ARE THE COWBOYS. 


I had a rough day at work yesterday and came home and pounded plantain crackers with ghee and honey. Woke in the middle of the night with blazing heartburn. And I mean blazing. So..good one. Went back to sleep propped up on pillows and after taking my emergency enzymes, have to say, worked like a charm. But maybe ghee is not for me :-(  Or, maybe pounding crackers isn't either.


Good times, good times. 


Meadow, how was the fair? 


Allright friends, back to it. Carpe Diem!!

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Deb - I am terrible...TERRIBLE at church! This elderly woman plays the organ (thats a stretch) and when she hits a "dinger" I usually cringe or cross myeyes to the delight of my boys. My wife gives me the old "I don't see you up there playing the organ" which I respond, " God gave me the common sense to know that I CANT play the organ!" When my wife was putting a "theme basket" together for a church raffle I made a comment about the amount of booze that was going into it.....I just said, "do you think any Catholic will be sober enough to hear their name called in the drawing?" She also didn't think that Playboys, condoms, and other sexual devices would be a good "theme basket!" All I try to do is help.............


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And now back to the topic of food:


I haven't been keeping up with everyone posts the last few days but did see a bit of the discussion about rocky re-entry for some.  I'm finding that, too.  It has been hard to keep focus, and even though I'm still eating pretty close to plan, there are more frequent snacks and some off-plan cheats creeping in.  Before the weekend I was feeling like the weight was continuing to slide off even through re-intros, and I was feeling lean and awesome!  But today I am tired and feeling too full.  I too really need the structure of a really strict meal plan, so I'm looking forward to a formal round 2 (with exercise!) in August.


Rose, I did want to say especially to you how sorry I am about your friend and the memorial service.  Is there something you can do on your own or with friends, maybe your brother if he wants to?  There are so many ways to bring ritual or ceremony to significant life events.  Maybe you can do your own honoring of your friend.


Thinking of you all. 

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Meadow awesome pics!!!! I love a man in chaps. I think you revealed your locale? Wyoinap are you in WY as well?

Higs - LOVE THE VIDEO! So much fun!! Who would know you weren't 18? 

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