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Hello! I'm on day 12 of my second whole30, what I would like to know is: Why don't I concretely continue to feel better and better in an observable fashion each day that passes? Is the "good stuff" all going on inside with no evidence from the outside?

Since I started my second W30, I have not felt an evolution in some aches and pains I want to get rid of. After my first W30, I had lost weight and felt "a little" better, but not as much as I wanted. But now I'm doing the same things, following scrupulously the program, as usual, and I feel the same. Is it because of the non-conforming one or 2 things I ate in my 2 days of rest before starting the 2nd W30. Or I was even wandering if my degree of excitement, which is not as impressive as during my 1st W30, could have a role in this... 

I started another W30 because I continued to feel "sugar cravings" and I wanted to loose some more weight.

Thanks so much for your coming opinions on the matter.

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First off, congrats on your second round of Whole 30!! I'm just starting out so its awesome to hear you are so committed to keep at it again and again in order to feel the way you desire. I actually got turned on to the Whole30 because what I was doing wasn't making me feel any better, I'm exhausted, have skin breakouts and achy joints too. I guess we just have to remember we are working now to undue years of non Whole30 living.  


One question, are you getting enough fresh air and sunshine? I make sure to take at least one 20-35 min walk outside a day and have found this to help with my overall moods  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello anne202! I sorry it took me so long to respond, I had a problem logging in. Thank you for your positive thoughts. How is your Whole30 going? You must be close to the end? I'm on DAY 26 of my 2nd W30 and I think I can say my knee joints hurt much less! I'm not so sure how much less because you get used to chronic pain up to a certain point. But I was thinking today that it hasn't been painful as much for a while. I used to always rub my right knee with my hand while I was driving the car or sitting at my desk... But no that much anymore. Good news for your joint pains, no?

It's funny you asked me about getting enough fresh air and sunshine! I work on the night shifts for 9 nights in a row and then get 5 days off. So for 9 days I DON'T get a lot of sunshine and I'm too tired to exercise. But it is starting to change and my level of energy is higher! I really want to start yoga again, 20 min. a day, every day. I just get excuses not to do it and I'm still battling resistance against moving (because it used to hurt so much afterward from my feet to my back!)

So that's it, I'm up for a 3rd Whole30 in August. Want to go along with me? You might have all the friends and support you need, but if you are up for it, we can exchange thoughts regularly about our journey? 

I' right again in a couple of days when I'm finished with this round with the final results. 

See ya!

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Hi there! Great to hear from :) working nights must be quite a challenge and I totally know what you mean about being tired and not wanting to move. I finally figured out though that taking walks in the woods near my apt helped me feel better and be creative. I think it'd the simply act of moving that does something to our brains to get them- working or something.

Yes let's please keep in touch! I'd love to have us support one another, it's actually something I'm trying to cultivate so good timing! How serendipitous that we've linked up here.

Let me know how it's going! I'm on day 16 and need to work on my attitude haha

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Hey! You seem to have a positive attitude when I read you! When you get in bad place in your head, just stop what you're doing, take deep breaths and really examine your thought. What is it telling you? Why do you think it wants to disturb you? 

I started meditation and it really helps me get calm inside... Way inside! So, I'll be stating a 3rd Whole30 tomorrow, I finished my 2nd Saturday. I lost around 5 pounds, almost no pain in my knees (Knock on wood) and starting tomorrow, I really want to include a 30 day exercise Whole30. So, that's it. I indulged a little bit last night for dinner when I had pizza (only 2 slices) and didn't feel good + had a belly ache. I'm not reintroducing food just yet so I don't care for now not knowing what food caused me pain, but I have a pretty good idea I might be gluten sensitive. 

Good luck for the rest of your W30, DO NOT GIVE UP, it will be great and you will feel so proud of yourself!!! You have to reach a point where you realize IT'S JUST FOOD, JUST FUEL. Bye for now Anne202!

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