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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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A total relapse with rebound weight gain.

The body has several defense mechanisms against weight 'loss'. Increased hunger, lower energy metabolism and a relapse back to old habits. 

The uplifting news is that if you are able to maintain and find weight stability for at least one year after the major weight releasing,  you have passed the critical point.

The body is no longer fighting so hard against you. 




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"We know that obese people have low levels of the appetite inhibiting hormone GLP-1. The good thing is that now we are able to show that you can actually increase the levels of this hormone as well as the appetite inhibiting hormone PYY by weight loss and that the levels are kept high (=increased appetite inhibition) when you maintain your weight loss for a year," adds first author of the study MD and PhD student Eva Winning Iepsen.

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The main finding in the study revealed that after one year of successful weight loss maintenance, the researchers were able to demonstrate that postprandial levels of two appetite inhibiting hormones (GLP-1 and PYY) increased (=appetite inhibition) from before-weight loss level -- in contrast to the hunger hormone ghrelin, which increased immediately after weight loss but returned to normal levels (= low hunger) after one year. This demonstrates that the hormones GLP-1 and PYY are able to adjust to a new 'set point' and thus may facilitate the continuation of a new and lower body weight.



  1. Eva Winning Iepsen, Julie Rehne Lundgren, Jens Juul Holst, Sten Madsbad, Signe Sørensen Torekov. Successful weight loss maintenance includes long-term increased meal responses of GLP-1 and PYY 3-36. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2016; EJE-15-1116 DOI:10.1530/EJE-15-1116


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"This study shows that if a person is able to maintain an initial weight loss -- in this case for a year -- the body will eventually 'accept' this new weight and thus not fight against it, as is otherwise normally the case when you are in a calorie-deficit state,"


 Associate Professor Signe Sorensen Torekov from the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research.

The research has recently been published in the European Journal of Endocrinology.

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One second's lapse in attention can take a person's life. One. 

One lapse in attention can cause a relapse. 

The mind goes back into the unconscious mode = mindless eating.

Do you know why you see so few obese in the senior centers?

They don't make it. Their lifespans are shortened by many years.  The alcoholic, too.


Food addicts have to take the tiger out of the cage three times aday for a walk. 


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One lapse in attention.

The weight doesn't instantly shoot UP.

It goes slow enough to allow the mind games and huge rationalization to adjust in slow increments.

Unconscious, mindless eating is like that.

We pretend to accept what was previously unacceptable about our diminishing state of health.





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Food addiction delivers its pain. Blow by blow.


We learn to avoid every mirror and not even look ourself in the eye. 

Food addiction is filled with pain. The person realizes they should do something about it but it doesn't cause them enough pain to make them willing to do so.

Not. Until. There's that point of no return.

Continued self-help for years on end...binge eating, dieting, weight loss and relapse.  Rebound weight gain with the slow and insidious creep back into full blown binge eating, food addiction and disorder. 








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You can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain.


We cannot compare addictions or recoveries. We progress and recover at different speeds. 

It will take more than one conversation with self and sitting down with someone Face-to-Face to unwind all of the damage.

One second's lapse in attention can cause a relapse.







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Chew and Spit 


Chewing and spitting may seem harmless and to many who suffer from eating disorders, and even a smart idea, but there are some serious consequences.

  • Mouth Ulcer’s – while your chewing your body is producing acid this in turn produces mouth ulcers & trust me they hurt.
  • Swollen Glands – from the spiting, looking like a chipmunk is not a sexy.
  • Rotting teeth – Depending on what you eat your not only giving your teeth a acid wash but  if you chew sugary foods you are giving your teeth a sugar mouth wash as well. This equates to cavities, cracks and tooth rot.
  • Ulcerated stomach – You may not be ingesting the food but all your sensory’s (see, hear, smell etc) think you are.  You are seeing the food, smelling the food, tasting the food, your body produces stomach acid in preparation for the food.
  • I saved the worst for last INSULIN increase – When you see, smell, taste food it triggers the release of insulin, which is not a good thing.  Insulin raises appetite (more chew and spit), makes weight gain easier,makes losing weight harder and in worst cases cause diabetes.
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Choices and consequences.

If I was a chef and I wanted to complete a compliant W30, Chew and Spit would not be an option for me.

I would have to taste the food and think of it as medicine. Doctors orders trump W30.  I would taste it without spitting it out.

A spoonful of common horse sense helps the medicine go down. I would have to compartmentalize my thought processes in order to keep my job. Quitting your day-job that pays the bills and puts food on your table is not an option for most of us. 

I would immediately get back into my W30 mindset and tool along. I liken it to HFCS vitamin fortified gummy bears. Using whopping boatloads of sugars to help the medicine go down.  

I could do it if I had to. I would take one for the team, my paycheck.  If it was that or living on the streets in a cardboard box...I could do it.  

Chewing and Spitting leads to further addiction and disorder. It is not a magical workaround. Rotten teeth, ulcerated stomachs and more inflammation of the gut to be reckoned with. 



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Chew and Spitters take a bite, chew and spit.  They often throw the rest in the trash bin. They spend $100's or $1000's of dollars buying the food triggers, chewing and spitting, throwing the rest out.  Removing all traces and not returning to the scene of the crime.

Choices and Consequences.

Swishing our hands together and wiping all of the crumbs off does not remove the unseen damage it does to the brain and body.  The half has not been told.      

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I am my father's daughter.

We didn't have heirlooms, we had songs and music and dancing.

I have his eyes.  I am the product of his sacrifices and heartaches and hardships.

I am the accumulation of generations and their stories.

Take what the Universe gives you and create your own Happy Place along with your Positive Food Management Plan. 

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Addiction = Addiction.  

Addiction is the best of times. Addiction is the worst of times. 

It was the age of foolishness. It was the age of wisdom.

It was the season of light.  It was the season of darkness.

It was the spring of hope. It was the winter of despair.

We had everything before us. We had nothing before us.

A Tale of Two Cities and A Tale of Addiction and Recovery.

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"Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away."

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The best part about wildlife and livestock and horses, cats and dogs...they all live in the present.

Your today doesn't determine where you're going, it determines where you're starting.  Today.

What we did months or years ago is gone.  It's over. 

Your present circumstances determine where you're starting. With a clean slate.  

There will be lonely days of battling with yourself. Because only YOU can do this for yourself. 

When you overhaul a car, you take it apart piece by piece so you can build it back UP again.   

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I always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.

We're somewhere in the future and we look much better than we look right now.  It's not only about our outward shell,our innermost being is being renewed and refreshed, too.

Joy always comes with the morning.

The outward shell will fade away but our hearts go on forever. 

Today. Embrace all of the healthy. Work on your Happy Place and happy awareness.  


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If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction. Don't stay stuck there for a day or week or month or year.

Call a tow-truck.  Do not sit by the side of the road with your hood up.  Wave an SOS flag.  Any color will do.  Wave, make a noise but do not go down with the ship.  Fight for yourself.

Get back in the ring, Felicias.  Start dancing.  No rope-a-dope for you or me. 

Get UP.  The referee is giving you the countdown and the ring bell.  Get on your feet and lets get back in the Chevy pickup and fly on down the highway.

Together. We gotta keep a rollin'....




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