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Portion of fats/proteins clarification


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I am on day 8 and have felt fine. I started getting a little concerned because I haven't crashed yet, I haven't been any more edgy than I usually am (lol) nor have I had any cravings. I must not be doing something correct keeps creeping into my mind so I have been researching this site and feel I may be overloading on too much fat.


I am trying to make sure I am consuming the appropriate amounts. I realize the template is just a guide and we may need more than what is listed but I think I may have gone too far.


First in regards to protein, a palm size is a little confusing to me because if I talking about a piece of chicken it might be a thin piece or it could be a thick piece. It would be helpful to me to be able to think of this in terms of ounces. Any idea how many ounces of meat I might need which each meal?? I am a 135 lb female.


Then on to fat. I have not been considering the fat I cook with in my amounts of fat I consume with each meal. Is this correct??? In the mornings I have started off with bullet proof coffee and usually some sort of egg/beef/pork dish so I would think no more fat is needed with meal 1 however I do put ghee on my sweet potato if I have one because I LOVE ghee.


For other meals when I have had a salad and used an olive oil dressing I wasn't figuring that into my fat calculations and was still eating a half of avocado. Of course I love avocado and wanted that to be a part of my salad.


I guess my main question is do I need to figure any portion of the fats I cook with (olive oil, ghee, coconut milk, etc.) in my fat per meal and how many ounces of meat would be appropriate with each meal??

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The palm size or protein refers to the three-dimensional size of your palm, so if your piece of meat is thin, imagine how much of it you would need to stack up to get to the thickness of your palm as well as length and width.


On fat, the "thumb-size" portion is really a minimum. Eat what seems right, then adjust based on hunger cues--ie., if you are hungry between meals, add more, if you are not hungry yet when it comes time for the next meal, consider having less. Don't worry if the fat amounts vary between meals, they will balance each other out.

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Don't over think this you are doing just fine!


My understanding of a palm size is breadth and depth if that makes sense. If you are able to go 5-6 hours between your meals without being hungry and are satisfied at the end of the meal than you are doing just fine.


The timeline is a general expression of most people's experiences but it isn't everyone's experience. 

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  • 1 month later...

Missmary - I have a question about your comment, regarding fat.  You said "if you are not hungry yet when it comes time for the next meal, consider having less."  I am on day 14, and have not yet felt hungry when it's time for my next meal, and sometimes I've even had a 7 hour period between meals.  I've kept my fats to the lower end of the recommendations.


I have wondered if it's an issue that I basically never feel hungry?  Not even when I wake up. I'm following the meal template, no snacking, breakfast 1 hour after waking up, and dinner at least a few hours before bed.  Good sleep too. 


Should I try adjusting anything?  My pants aren't fitting loser as I thought they would by now, so I would like to adjust my meals somehow in order to see this benefit (it's not my #1 reason for doing the whole30, but it's a close second!)

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I have wondered if it's an issue that I basically never feel hungry?  Not even when I wake up.


Considering that you are still able to eat the next template meal (maybe not hungry, but still willing to eat), I wouldn't worry about this too much. Over time your hormones and your perception may change this, but for now I would stay the course.

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Hi Ann - I only have fruit at breakfast (1/2 apple and small handfull of blueberries) and yes, plenty of veggies at all 3 meals.


Your comment is interesting.  It makes me wonder if I should try backing off protein and fats just a tad, and see what happens.  My fats I definitely only do on the low end of the template amount, but protein I am more generous sometimes than 1 palm.

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Thanks Ann!  As a recovering (lol) life-long yo-yo dieter, I'm truly enjoying not counting, weighing, etc my food.  And feeling full and satisfied with every meal.  Nice to know I can proceed as planned without worrying about changing things.

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Tina, I'm right there with you as another recovering yo-yo. Dieter. :-)

Interesting how my comment sounded like a suggestion to you, when what I really meant was that I was worried that you were already restricting fruits and veg!

Brain re-set... that's a huge part of what the W30 (currently W60 and continuing, for me) is giving us.


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