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Starting August 11


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My husband and I will be starting August 11th as well! We both need to get healthier...last year I did well with eating well, exercising, etc and then I got pregnant and let it all go! Now I'm wanting to get healthy and find the energy to run after my one and a half year old and newborn!

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I will be starting on August 11th also! This is my first time doing the Whole30 and I'm very excited (and a little nervous) about it. Looking to get back on track in making healthier eating habits in hopes of getting more energy and just plain feeling better. 

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I'm also planning to start on August 11th.  :)


I have been on a paleo or paleo-ish diet for most of the last 3 years to heal my gut from celiac disease and Graves disease. It's worked like a charm, but the last year or so my gut healed to where I could tolerate a bigger variety of foods, and due to stress I've gone off the rails, eating gluten free cookies, bread, etc., and too much chocolate, potato chips, cheese and wine. Consequently I've gained 15 pounds the last few months. Also, the inflammation in my body has gone up and my arthritis is bugging me more.


So... I'm hoping doing Whole30 will get me back on the wagon! 

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Okay y'all, I'm in!  


I'm scared and the odds are stacked against me, but I'm in! I hope you'll be patient with me as I am the mother of 8 kiddos and 1 wonderful hubby who are great cheerleaders, but,....I cook for everyone and I'll be the only one doing this, so it won't be easy. 


Looking forward to the challenge,


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I'm starting my first whole 30 on August 11th as well.  I originally had my date for the 10th but I'm hoping to change it so I can be on track with all of you.  Elana- I'm with you girl!  I am a married mother of 5 and I will be on my own doing this.  Let's support each other! 

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Hi all -

My name is Frances and I'll be starting another Whole 30 on Monday. I meant to start on the 1st and just got derailed by work and social activities. So, the calendar is now mostly cleared for the next month so I can get back on track.

I did my first Whole 30 last summer and loved every day of it. I stuck to Paleo for several months and then just fell off the wagon. I felt so good and healthy while on Paleo, that I have no clue why I changed.

So, now back to the beginning, a full, clean, Whole 30 to get back on track and then it will be Paleo for life!

Looking forward to going on this journey with you all. :)

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I'll be starting August 11th too. Today is "The Great Pantry Purge".  B)  I normally bake my own bread so I literally have about 30 lbs of flour that needs a new home. I also have lots of bulk baking ingredients such as various types of sugar, chia, instant milk, 5 grain oat mix, etc. I'm going to post the bulk stuff on Craigslist. I can't see tossing that much food in the trash but I know it will be a temptation if I keep it in the house. Sandwiches are my normal go-to meal. 


I'm going in early morning on the 11th to get a blood test for Celiacs so this may be the last time gluten is present in my home without sneaking in. I'm so tired of chasing nutritional deficiencies that I've paid out of pocket for the test rather than go back to the doctor. An otherwise healthy 24 year old should not need supplements but so long as they can throw a pill at it they aren't interested in the root cause.


I'm single so I'm splurging on a decent vacuum sealer. I just can't eat some foods fast enough to not have them go bad unless they're very well sealed. 



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I'm starting a whole 30 (again) on August 11th as well, with a friend of mine who is a couple states away! I'm excited to see other people on here starting as well...the last couple times I've tried this not being prepared on days 6 or 7 has lead me astray and I haven't made it but I REALLY want to make it the full 30 days. 


The reason I'm doing this is because, at newly 23 years old, I suffer from chronic migraines about two weeks out of every month. I take medication (which decreased it to about once a week vs. four times a week), but I am hoping that if I change my diet/figure out what is wrong, I can potentially eliminate a majority of the headaches! (That and...I have a horrible sugar demon that I am trying to conquer) 


Good luck to everyone as they prepare for day 1!!! 

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Pantry purge happening at my house today too!  Cathygo, I have also been tested for celiac before, twice.  I hope you find answers!  Both of my tests (blood test and intestinal biopsy) were negative.  That was a shock to me because I have almost every symptom of celiac and the two doctors who tested me had said they were sure I had it, but the tests said different.  So . . . I post this as encouragement to you if you need it when you get your test results.  Positive will be an answer but negative will leave you frustrated and confused.  After years of research and self experimenting (which was 100% backed up in It Starts with Food) I have come to believe that some people simple cannot tolerate gluten and or grains.  Our bodies can not process modern bio-engineered grains and when they are forced to they react with inflammatory responses that are essentially the same as celiac symptoms.  For me the symptoms include: intestinal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, bloody stools, headaches, vision problems, hair loss, overwhelming fatigue, foggy brain, female cramping, allergies, joint pain, weakened immune system, etc.  Having gone grain free before (180 days plus) I know Whole30 will bring big results for you.  I can't wait to feel my body in a grain-free state again!  I also hope to understand myself better this time around and find out why in the world I would ever eat grain if it makes me so sick!!

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Glad to see so many with Aug. 11th start date! Tomorrow will mark the start of my challenge as well. Most anxious about giving up the scale, and being able to be 100% committed. I love how I feel when following a Paleo lifestyle, but let stress get the better of me over the last year. Hoping this group will increase my inspiration and dedication. Enjoy the next 30 days!

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I'm in! I did 10 days in July and then went on a road trip and basically fell off the wagon into a barrel of wine and garlic nan! My husband said he will do it with me this time so that will help. I'm a teacher and have only 1 1/2 weeks til kiddos come so now is the best time to get back into it and go thru the first week of constant peeing! There are some great recipes out there so that really helps. No latte today for starters (boo) I swear Starbucks puts crack in their drinks! Good luck to you all!


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I'm in, too, this is my second round. I did it January 2012, had great success and then went insane again. Not this time. I'm very curious about what is causing my problems so I'm looking forward to the detective work during the re-introductory period after the 30 or ? days that I will be doing it this time. The last time I was living alone, this time will be a little more challenging, my partner isn't going to do it yet.

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I'll be starting as well tomorrow!

Tried to commit a while back but I got sick and had to go off of it for a while.


I'm hoping that this will help kick start weight loss.  I'm tired of being on blood pressure meds at 35 as well.... hopefully the whole30 will help both issues.


I admit to having a glass of wine tonight as I know starting tomorrow it will be no alcohol for a month! :( :(

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I have been on BP meds since I was 27.... it coincided with me becomming a teacher in 2004 and a gain of 25kg in just 9 months that same year.... my BP medication was doubled a year ago and a recent APM BP 24hr monitor shows its sitting between 150-170 over 80/90 even when Im relaxed! Those first few years of teaching I also developed PCOS, suspected endrometrioses, suffered an 'unknown' illness which had me hospitalised (and I nearly died), then straight after hospital I developed thyroid disease, now I also have joint problems and the range of movement in my body is decreasing... and Ive only just turned 37!..... so.... this year I have moved back to my home town after 10 years away and am searching for a career change in a job that is less stressful... I still cant seem to regain contol of my health after so may years of stress, messed up hormones and running on empty all the time... plus I need to loose a mimimum of 16 kg to regain a healthy weight... so I really am excited to be starting this journey with all of you... I know its going to be hard as I have no support here - you guys are my support. Also, Im in Australia which means I am 12 hours ahead of you I think? Im wondering if it is better for me to start my whole30 on the 12th so the time difference is better.... also I need an extra day to prepare!! Feeling Frexcited!!! :)

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Hi all, my name is Susan and I enjoyed reading all your posts and felt better about the fact that A few others are also nervous about not being able to get in the scale for 30 days. I am also worried about giving up truvia in my coffee. I definitely have a sweet tooth and drink lots of diet coke and coffee with soy milk or cream and truvia so that part will be hard. I usually graze throughout the day so 3 meals will also be a challenge but I'm looking forward to the challenge and the support of the group.

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Hi everyone, reading all ur posts has made me want to write one too & join u all for the group support! I'm starting on 11th too, which is today now for me as I live in England :) I'm 35 & live alone so it should be easier to resist temptations, but after years of emotional/binge eating, being an unhealthy vegan most of my life, & having no interest or ability to cook I have my own challenges ... Or maybe just ready-made excuses!!! Hoping together we can support each other to stay the course!

My goals are mainly to sort out cravings, wean off sugar, increase energy, balance my sleep patterns (it's 5am & I've been awake hours, booooo!), manage stress & IBS better, and stabilise my hormones - they've gone wild the last few years & I'd like to sort so I could hopefully try for kids in a couple of years (finally found the right man!) :D

Well good luck everyone! x

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