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Starting Tomorrow, 11 August!


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I've been looking at starting a healthier eating lifestyle, and have been slowly working at it this past year. One of my best friends has also decided to join me, and we are both giving The Whole30 a go together. Yup, we're starting tomorrow! It will be good to have a partner who is at the same point in the program as I am. Additionally, I have another friend who has done this program in the past, and we will be Skyping several times a week while I'm on the program. 

I have lost 5 pounds in the last 7 weeks, just by powerwalking my way from the train station to my office, and then back at the end of the day. I have maintained the same weight for the past 4 years, so I knew it would just be a little bit of work/exercise to have the weight start to fall off. I eat breakfast every day (first time in almost 15 years), and have been bringing my own lunches to work so that I don't go downstairs everyday and visit PotBelly for a sandwich.

Here's to an even better lifestyle than I have already started!

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