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Good morning Day30!  I think I finally have Tiger Blood, at last.  It started yesterday, so snap W30inri.  I feel 'happy' and strong, and very pleased with myself.

I have to confess that I weighed myself and took all my measurements this morning.  I had to go for a medical procedure and drink some foul concoction pre the scan, and I was paranoid it would mess with my results so I fetched my beloved scale from the spare bathroom first thing and hopped on.  And a happy 4.5kg (9.9lbs) loss greeted me.  Very happy, more than expected!  And my cms are way down too, they seem too much so I have to double check those.

Of course post my medical procedure I felt I deserved a reward, and usually it would have been a slab of chocolate or a double serving of sushi, but I was content with a cup of black coffee and time with my Whole30 info, now that's progress for me,  Yip, nonfood rewards are my new thing.  I have to keep that going.  

So reintegration starts tomorrow, and will be interesting. Good luck with your Whole30 Round 2 Fran, you are brave, and sensible too. I don't think I will bother to eat gluten products ever again, beans neither, wine oh yes, a bit of dark chocolatecan't wait, bacon, biltong, sometimes honey and yes, more fruit - agree with you Inri, and maybe occasionally white full cream yogurt, though I have known dairy is bad for me since I was 6, I might just finally listen.

TDC, have a fabulous lunch tomorrow, such a good idea, well done boyf.

Treig, you are done!  How are you feeling about reintegration? And anonymous feels like we lost you, you out there somewhere?

I have to tell you all about my mad cat. This sounds like a tall story but its true.  Since the beginning of Whole30 my old (18) senile, skinny, cantankerous but adorable cat has turned her nose up at all her processed cat food (tins and pellets).  She fusses until I share what I am preparing for myself - raw chicken, liver, mince, eggs, tuna, steak whatever.  If I don't share she doesn't eat - and will go on for days with no food.  So maybe our pets need whole food too!?  She is so little that I may be able to sustain sharing my food with her, and it feels right too.

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Done and done, folks! What a great post, JOH, and I am so impressed with your weight loss! I am going to pull out the scale tomorrow and I'm trying not to get too caught up in the number; I know myself well enough to prepare for celebration whether it is 2, 3, or 5 lbs. Otherwise I will admit defeat and head down the slippery slope. For the weight loss aspect of this program, I know that I have a long road ahead of me so this is just the first leg! I'm better off than I was one month ago, so I'll take it!


JOH: Good luck with the medical procedure- the foul concoction is the worst part. Ditto all your reintegration choices- my plan as well. Love the kitty story!

fran: more power to ya with your continuation of the program. My sister, who told me about this program to begin with, finished in July and decided to do a 30 on, 30 off approach so that she can enjoy some sweets during the holidays. Might be a strategy to consider.

Treig: awesome job with getting through family and other challenges. You will have to demand some big time props from your loved ones for your success.

TDC: have a wonderful meal out and I am impressed (and a little intimated by) your naturopathic course and your nutritional coaching approach sounds great.


So I will scope out the reintegration forum if I feel I need some support moving forward. It really has been a great pleasure to get to know each of you with your individual stories and challenges. It was critical to my success in the program, knowing that I could switch on my laptop and find some kindred spirits working on the same stuff as I. Be well, all!

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We did it, congrats everyone!  And I am gonna miss you all.  I am going to visit the post W30 forum but would rather chat to you guys, so if you start a post, let me know please.

I feel sick.  I decided to do dairy reintegration today, which suits me perfectly because I was given a slab of Oreo Cadbury's full cream milk chocolate last night.  Its been in the cupboard and calling to me.  So guess what, I just ate the whole thing.  And I feel sick in the stomach, phlegm in my thrat and I imagine an evergy crash pretty soon.  So, full cream, highly sugared rich chocolate is NOT for me.  I will try the no dairy dark chocolate another time and hope the reaction is not so hectic.  I knew this would make me feel sick, but I decided to prove it again anyway.  And you know, it didn't even taste that good.

I am going to be strict on reintegration principles though - its such an opportunity to figure this all out once and for all!

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Hello Guys!

Hooray! We all did it!


Thank you so much for your support of that last 30 days. I hope to continue to keep in touch with you all as you have helped me get through all of my challenges and kept me focused when my family and friends thought I was crazy! They still think I am crazy but I love how I feel. 


I went out for frozen yogurt the other night with the family. I only had frozen yogurt.... and while it tasted really good. Within an hour, I had a rolling stomach and a slight headache. Wow! it was not worth it! 

Also that beloved coffee with creamer and a Spenda packet.... so not working! I can't believe it! 


Hope all is well, see you at J.O.H's new post site! 


Oh and Frantastic, please continue to join us. I think we are all looking to do some Whole30 eating still. Your part of our "family"

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