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Girls' Weekend


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Today is Day 11 for me! I am so proud of how well I've done up to this point. My family is not participating in Whole30...so there is still plenty of junk around here (yes, I do the grocery shopping  ;) ). There have been Oreos, Lays BBQ chips and I made cookies tonight for them to have while I'm out-of-town. 


I'm not quite sure what it is about this way of eating, but I'm so much more determined to stick to it. I suppose because I don't want to have to start over. 


Anyway...the point of this post...This weekend 2 of my SILs and my MIL and a couple others are spending a couple days shopping and such. There is talk of wineries...not too big a of a deal. Wine isn't my favorite, so I'm not too worried about that. However, I know there will be several times where we will eat out. It's crazy how nervous this makes me. I don't want to have to spend a ton of time trying to figure out ingredients and take forever to order. Many will probably be spur of the moment decisions about where to eat, so I doubt I'll have much time to research. I'm sure I'm making a bigger deal over this than I should, but I just don't want to blow it! I'm determined to get through these 30 days (maybe more)!! 


Thanks for letting me share...guess I just need to get over it and enjoy the time together.

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  • Offer to drive around the wineries - no chance of drinking then!

Suggest you take a picnic lunch on one of the days while you're driving around, and then you can make sure there are compliant options.

If you know you'll be going to a cafe for lunch, take a salad and hardboiled eggs to eat before you get there, and then sit and have a coffee while the others are eating (I do this often).

Ask for a plain steak and garden salad if you go out for dinner, and have a bottle of olive oil dressing in your handbag.

And don't bother trying to hide what you're doing/how you're eating, if your family make fun of you, laugh along with them, and do it anyway!

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The weekend went very well. I made sure to ask plenty of questions and get things as plain as possible. I felt great all weekend and we did tons of walking. I'm not positive everything was compliant, so I may tack on extra days to be sure. 

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