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F I N I S H E D !!!!!


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So we have finished our 1st Whole30 - and it was a roller-coaster ride ... we felt happy, energized, angry, tense, angry, tense ... and lately REALLY angry, depressed and tense - but now we feel really proud and accomplished because we set on a mission and we have completed it.  We - meaning me and my husband - NO - I definitely could have NOT done it by myself!.  There have been many screams, long walks with long angry rants and complaints that really took two to deal with all that.  So a bit of advice - if you have somebody to do it with - go for it ... to carry the burden on two shoulders is MUCH easier.  On the positive side - my husband suffered from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and his liver figures were bad so he had to take several pills every day.  On our last visit to the doctor ( last week ) - all his figures are back to normal and he no longer has to take any pills.  The doctor was amazed!  ALSO - great result on the scale - my husband as he is much bigger build lost 7 kg ( 15 lbs ) and me 4.5 kg (10 lbs ).  So we are really happy how our bodies reacted,  but psychologically the restrictions and deprivations are too much to cope with.  We are pretty strong individuals so we stuck to it and completed it, but we both believe it is NOT sustainable.  At the end we started feeling really sick of all the meat and fish ... even the smell of it ( and I cooked 3 meals EVERY day as we work from home so we had fresh varied meals 3x a day ).  Lately we really lost our appetite and food was no longer a joy because what ever you do ... it is ONLY meat and veg.  The only food that were kinda keeping me happy were fruits and nuts ... So we are really looking forward to enjoy the simple pleasures of simple meal of nice ciabatta and cheese with a glass of wine.  We are people and not machines ... we are made to enjoy life's little pleasures which food definitely is a big part of, and I believe that if you do stuff in moderation it can not harm you, quite the opposite.  So over all ... really happy with the results BUT could I live like this?  NO WAY!!!!   :) :) :)

Still we are really thankful that we did it as my husband is healthy and we have lost all this weight!  Also we have learned to say NO to certain foods,  learned good eating habits and if we went off the wagon we have safe place to go back to - and that's not a small thing and we appreciate all this!  

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Amazing physical and medical results, and interesting to read your emotional reactions during the program. We're only on Day 2 but I can appreciate how one can end up getting tired of meat/fish/eggs/veg. This is why I like the 'It's only 30 days' reminder, and that 'It's the Whole30, not the Whole365'.

Thanks for sharing your story, I appreciated it!

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Hi Angelina - thanks for taking the time to respond.  Good luck on your Whole30 and if you need any help, or you may have questions or just want to rant and get angry do not hesitate to write me ... I will totally understand :)  good luck - you can do it! and omg - today I got us some nice bread, rolls, cheeses, yoghurts, juices ... it NEVER tasted better ... and we definitely did not abuse it or overeat - actually we were surprised how little we ate ... but it tasted scrumptious.  I never felt so happy and honored to carry this PRODUCED food home ... sorry, i know this isn't what you want to hear right now - >>> just saying hang in there the results will come and the reward of nice food  after a month of absence is amazing. oh ... counting the hours to tonight for some nice wine :) 

Day by day ... you will get there ... like you said it's only 30 ... actually 27 for you :) good luck again, you are not alone :)

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Wow, the fact that your husband's liver function tests went back to normal is pretty amazing. It seems like a testament to the fact that this food is what our bodies need/crave. I believe our minds get us in trouble. We are just so used to thinking processed "food" is what we want- I have YEARS of bad habits to overcome.


My experience (now on day 17 of my third whole 30) has been that the first two weeks were pretty hard (the first week harder than the second). But something changed after the second week for me. I have energy, feel more stable, sleep better, have lost weight (clothes fit better). It's pretty amazing. Skin cleared up- have started jogging a little here and there again, nothing crazy (not because I have to but because I sort of want to). I can convince myself out of it, but my body is telling me to MOVE. It's interesting to me. I actually have so much more energy than I am used to having I almost don't know what to do with myself sometimes. I used to eat to fill up time, I really did. I feel like I have so much free time now. Funny to say but it's true.


This has been such an interesting journey for me & I am so happy I was introduced to this way of eating. My first two whole 30s I relied heavily on fruit and nuts and felt like not much really changed. This time is different. I don't eat much fruit at all and have gone to fat instead. I make sure I get the required amount of fat in each meal. And this time I actually am sticking to three meals a day, nothing in btw (unless I feel hungry and will have some olives, a little nuts, a tbsp of coconut oil). I have found that I am not hungry between meals however. For real.


Go figure- if I follow the meal plan as prescribed this works like magic. I seriously feel like I am a fat burning machine now. The first two times I did the whole 30 I felt that the template was "just too strict". So I binged on a bag of cherries, ate too many nuts etc... & it didn't work so great. I still had horrible cravings, no weight loss etc...


I'm 37 and have struggled with food my entire life. Always gaining/losing the same 10-15 lbs and just a SLAVE to cravings. When I was thinner I was always "fighting" my cravings. The irony is now that they are gone. I almost can't believe it. I really really did not think this would work and was very afraid to add the fat. But for me, I think adding enough fat and really limiting the fruit (and carby veggies- I don't eat much sweet pots etc...). When I was an avid crossfitter I did eat more starchy vegs, but now, exercising less I don't feel I need them.


Anyway, for whatever it's worth, this is working for me. And I don't want to stop after 30 days. I want to feel this way forever. I can go 5-6-7 hours between meals and I feel FINE. I used to be a BEAST if I didn't eat. Again, I can't say enough positive. Hang in there- follow the meal plan and things just might turn out well for you. The first two weeks were not easy for me this time (I cried at work the first week because I was so irritated and wanted to eat bread). Now I am so glad I stuck it out.

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Really happy for you ... and WOW - 3rd Whole30!!!!  well we are in the re-introducing part now and as for me I'm really fine with everything - but then I didn't really have any health issues.  But my husband was now  able to pin point his problem - and it is lactose ... after 30 mins of eating some cheese he had that bad stomach feeling back.  So no more dairy for him :( but he is REALLY happy now cos he knows what has been causing it.  So just another great thing about the Whole30. 

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