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On the Scale


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So I know i'm not suppose to step on the scale because if you are expecting a number and don't see it or any progress on it the i know it can discourage you. But I kinda stepped on it and really happy with the results on day seven.

What are you thoughts on the scale.

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Hi :) Congrats on your progress :) I'm determined not to weigh myself for the next 27 days (I'm on day 3). I did weigh myself on the morning of day 1 and intend to wait until the morning of day 31. That's because my main goal with whole30 is not weight loss but establishing a healthier relationship with my body and with food.

The scale and me have a toxic relationship... Quite often the number I saw in the bathroom at 6.30 AM could make or break my day and I don't want this to happen again. I'm actually considering getting rid of the scale altogether, but I want to see my results after the 30 days and I'm too lazy do go to doctor's office just to weigh myself ;) Plus, we actually bought the scale after years of not having one to weigh our suitcases before a trip, so we don't have to pay extra at the airport, so it may be really useful for that ;)

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