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Whole 30 yeah


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I am here doing a whole 30 again. I start tomorrow. Life has gotten way off track due to too much on, this is how I regain control.


Focus is on:

  1. Sleep. Unless I have an assignment due (got a few of those coming up soon) it's bed by 10pm.
  2. Exercise. Regular 30 minutes a day. Running, cycling, yoga, or a gentle walk on a rest day
  3. Meditation. Gotta try for 20 minutes a day. I'm so bad with this. How hard is it to find 20 minutes?
  4. Greens. Every day! Multiple times.
  5. Protein: Some nice kind of meat every day. My main protein source of late has been dairy, that's got to stop.
  6. Water. Lots of it.

Main challenges will be:

  • Late nights doing assignments
  • A few days out of town visiting family in a couple of weeks
  • Temptations at work, some of my colleagues are bad like that, and one of my jobs is at a bakery :)

Alright, let's do this thing. Best wishes to anyone else who is starting 14th September.

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Hmmm ok perhaps a bit eager... I need to stock up on some quality meats and get some meals ready to go before jumping in. Later today I'll do a spot of cooking for the upcoming week and make tomorrow my official start day. September 15th has a nicer ring to it anyway, right?

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