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Post Workout Food


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Before I went paleo, I used to keep low carb protein bars on me (in my gym bag, at work, at home, in the car) in case I needed them. I used them for muscle recovery after my daily workouts at the gym. That and protein shakes. Now that I'm 100% paleo, and my favorite protein bar brand (Questbar) are all made with peanuts, I have nothing to carry on me for post-work out food! I find myself hungry immediately after, and I worry that I'm unable to get home in time, prep, clean, and cook my healthy paleo/whole30 dinner in time to get something into my body to help my muscles recover. Any suggestions? I need something that I'm able to throw in my gym bag. The other day I had a larabar but I knew it wasn't the best thing I could be eating for post-workout as it only had 5g of protein.

Any suggestions?

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you could try something really simple like canned tuna (or any canned fish - like salmon) and olives? .. easy to carry with you plus it has good protein and fat for post workout recovery ... PLUS it doesn't need to be kept cold :)

If you know you are going to the gym - you could always pack a snack of leftovers to have immediately afterwards.

You could also have other nuts ... macademia / almonds / cashew ?

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For post workout, try a meal sized easily digestible protein, up to a fist-sized portion of carb-dense veggies and little to no fat. Do not use fruit as your primary post-workout carb source, but rather choose sweet potato or yams or squash or pumpkin or beets. I like to bring leftover protein from lunch, which is usually leftover protein from dinner the night before and a yam or sweet potato. Just like with the rest of your meals, you probably need to plan ahead. Cook it up the night before and toss in your bag on the way out. Sorry…I just don't have a quick bar or drink option to give you.

You already know this, but…

  1. take your post workout meal with you to the gym and eat it before you leave. Do not wait until you get home.
  2. our post-workout meal is a bonus meal and should not replace breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is designed to help you recover from a high intensity workout.

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You do need to carry food with you to the gym so you can eat within a few minutes of completing your training session. Post-workout meals should feature low fat protein. The problem with fat after a workout is that it slows digestion and you want to digest your protein as soon as possible. If you are trying to lose weight, you do not have to eat carbs after a workout, but if you are lean and want rapid recovery, a good carb like sweet potatoes is ideal. For portable foods, I like sardines packed in water for the protein. I like sardines packed in olive oil, but they include more fat and you want lean protein in this situation. I take a baked sweet potato to the gym with me because it can sit at room temperature for a while without spoiling. Another option would be to carry jars of baby food - protein or carbs - and eat them after a workout.

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That's all great info, thanks everyone! I will try the canned sardines (just bought some yesterday) and sweet potatoes. What do you all think about beef jerky? I've been looking at PaleoKits for a long time but never bought any. I know that is a big brand name in the paleo community. http://stevesoriginal.com/

I know I don't have to buy that brand, but what do you think about that?


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