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Fertility Awareness Method


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Who else uses FAM? Not to knock anyone who uses hormonal birth control...but I'm so surprised to see women who preach health eating, organic produce, and grass-fed beef and then pop artificial hormones everyday (or have them inserted into their bodies causing a constant state of inflammation [iUD]). I was just wondering who else uses this method and if they've noticed any changes in their BBT, CF, or LP length during or after the Whole30. I sort of wish ISWF mentioned the inflammation and hormonal disruption of hormonal BC, even just briefly. 

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They do address forms of non-hormonal BC:




I have a Paragard (non-hormonal) IUD.  But I can't comment much on what you are asking.  I don't even know what some of abbreviations mean!  Ha, I could look them up, but I still wouldn't have a clue!  I have no notable 'systems' during my cycle that sometimes my period sneaks up on me.  No children or desire to have any so I don't pay much attention to the 'details.'  Actually, now that I think about, I do have more abundant CM during ovulation than I recall in the past.

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I'm currently trying to get treatment for a cervical polyp (completely within the cervical canal, so had to get a referral to a new doc...ugh) which has wreaked havoc on my cycles for quite a while. That being said, my current W30 has given me the longest time I've had between bleeding (I've had as little as 5 days and my new record during my W30 is 11 days without bleeding). I basically have a reverse period - bleed for as long as I shouldn't, and not bleed as long as I should bleed.

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I almost got the copper IUD but was put off that it just causes inflammation in the uterus and Fallopian tubes (how it prevents pregnsncy so well) and just went with FAM. I may get it after I have kids if FAM doesn't work well for me while breastfeeding/never sleeping/mom things. Don't plan on kids for awhile though! Thanks for the link!

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From what I understand, polyps cause bleeding because they keep your cervix from being able to close all the way, plus they jack up your hormones. All I know is that the reason I finally got a diagnosis is because of my constant bleeding (which sucks because it also messes with my relationship with hubby). He's understanding, and I have my appointment with the new doc who can treat it in November.


Just frustrating - I saw a doc about it the first time in April or May. They don't do the actual procedure if you're bleeding, so even once I schedule that, it'll take a few re-schedules to get it figured out due to complete unpredictability.

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