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Signs to watch for???


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When doing the reintroduction, what are some common signs for each food category to know if they do effect you?  Like should you weigh yourself to see if it makes you retain fluids or just note if you think you feel/look bloated?  Is it bowel movement changes?  Headaches?  Hair or skin changes?  Etc?  I didn't go through a lot of symptoms (no headaches, mood swings, etc) when doing the Whole30 even the first week so could that mean there's not a particular food that bothers my system?  I obviously don't want to put back on the weight that did come off so I will be avoiding added sugar in general but I will be bringing back some dairy and grains.  Thanks in advance.

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I suggest googling Whole30 reintroduction symptoms for past discussions on this topic.


People experience different symptoms, and sometimes they're not immediately obvious. You may feel bloated (I still wouldn't weigh myself to track symptoms, just go by how you feel or how your clothes fit), you might find you're more tired than usual. For me, when I have bread, I feel sort of foggy and tired. Dairy didn't produce immediate symptoms, but when I went back to eating Whole30 except I added some half and half or cream to my coffee every morning, after a couple of weeks I realized that some aches and pains that had gone away during Whole30 had come back. You might experience these symptoms, or you might experience other symptoms, or you may be lucky and experience no changes at all.


You might also find that certain foods make you crave other foods, or that they affect your mood, or that they're food without brakes for you. Pay attention to all those things, not just physical symptoms, so that going forward, you can make the best choices for what works best for you.

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