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Day 10: What to do when I can't eat for 8 hours...


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Woke up today and felt like working out. Maybe for the first time in my life. Yesterday was... ahem, gastrically challenging but I have confidence that means I'm on track. I've been keeping a meal log with good ole pen and paper but am thinking of transitioning to the forum with you nice folks.


What brought me here was this: My job (server/bartender at farm-to-table restaurant) doesn't allow me to eat for up to 8 hours at a time. Sure, I could sneak in a Lara bar but that seems to be frowned upon unless the situation is dire. Do my circumstances qualify? I've been pretty good at staying away from snacking and giving in to cravings but I'm feeling derailed by schedule. How can I be true to the program when my meals must be so far apart? Any advice is appreciated...

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Whole30 doesn't expect you to be able to have a 8 hour gap in between meals (unless that gap is your overnight sleep). The general guideline is to build meals that satiate you for 4-5 hours.  If you have a longer gap between your 3 daily meals, and you are genuinely hungry, the recommendation is to have a mini meal containing protein, veg and fat.  Don't you legally get a break during an 8 hour shift where you could have such a snack?

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Thanks for the quick response. Yes, legally a break is mandated - but most restaurant employees will tell you this is tricky territory. When you're responsible for a restaurant full of hungry people who are paying a premium to be watered/fed/boozed there aren't many chances to get away and keep your guests happy - especially in the busy season (i.e. now!) I guess what I'm really looking for are quick, easy snack options. Would a boiled egg, some juiced veggies, and a Lara bar be an appropriate solution? This is not a daily issue, fortunately, but it does come up on the weekends.  

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