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Day 16 and things are taking a turn for the worse...


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I'm confused. Day 16 and I've been doing almost* everything right. I had been feeling extraordinary energy-wise, my clothes had been ever so slowly seeming bigger, and all sorts of subtle changes have occurred (which I will elaborate on in my success post - which I will eventually post!). But I've hit a bump in the road and I have to get through it because I have no plans to give up. Something has shifted and my pants have been feeling progressively tighter since the weekend. This is creating snowball of sour mood, lower energy, less motivation, less food love. 


I'm eating pretty much the same foods that I eat in real life, but more veggies, less fruit, fewer nuts, more healthy fats, more protein and more red meat. In real life I'm a big dessert eater, too, which I've obviously cut. So this hasn't been a major overhaul for me, but the lack of dessert and snacks (even though they were usually pretty healthy) is huge. 


I exercise a few times a week, usually hot power yoga. I am generally active, with a dog to walk and an active toddler to chase. I follow the guidelines for post workout, lately a few slices of sweet potato and a hard boiled egg. I don't eat a meal before because I usually go after breakfast.


I follow the template for all three meals and have mostly eliminated snacks unless necessary. I feel full at the end of meals, but not stuffed. And if I'm still "wanting" at the end of a meal I will eat some dried fruit or high carbohydrate vegetable. 


*the things I could do better; more water (I drink probably 3/4 of what I'm supposed to), being less distracted at meals (read above about active toddler). I would love to get 8 hours of sleep. I go to bed early every night but since starting the whole30 I've been waking naturally after about 7 hours, still feeling like I could sleep more but unable to fall back to sleep. 


This is a typical day for me...

Breakfast: coffee with homemade cashew milk (cashews and water). Spinach and mushrooms sautéed in olive oil with three eggs, extra olive oil drizzled. 


PWS: slice of sweet potato and hard cooked egg

Lunch: Broiled salmon, salad with lots of veggies and oil and red wine vinegar. Still hungry after so a bit more salmon dipped in olive oil mayo. 

Snack: Small meatball (had to taste what I was making for dinner!)

Dinner: Homemade meatballs (all compliant) over spaghetti squash sautéed in olive oil with jarred (compliant) tomato sauce. Brussles sprouts roasted in olive oil and 1/3 avocado. 

(my usual snacks are 4-5 macadamia nuts just to cut the edge, this day was different)


Could a higher in sodium than usual meal on Sunday night be causing the shift? I had 1.5 hot dogs. 


Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated. I know I'm going to make it to the end because I've promised myself the 30 days and I'm not giving up. I also know that truthfully I would rather feel the way I'm feeling and have my pants a bit tighter. But at the same time, I know I won't be able to keep this up for the long haul if I'm really gaining weight. I love my skinny jeans way too much. 


Thanks for getting this far!


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Assuming that you are a woman - how close are you to your period?  


It is possible this might be making you feel "off"?


If you are indeed near your period - I would recommend you to maybe eat more.  Eating more starchy veggies will help, as well as just more protein and fat in general.

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A couple additional thoughts:
- are you drinking your morning coffee before you have breakfast?  If it's caffeinated, that can act as an appetite suppressant: the recommendation is to have coffee after your meal 1.


- the post workout recommendation is protein and carb, no fat.  Having a hard cooked egg (assuming you're having the yolk and whites), is including a fat. So have the sweet potato and just an egg white or another lean protein after your workout.

- salad/raw veggies and brussel sprouts can cause bloating.  Maybe try switching to all cooked veggies and drop the brussel sprouts for a bit and see if that helps?

- the recommended snack, if needed, is a mini-meal of protein, veg and fat. Nuts are considered a fat source on a Whole30.


More water and sleep, as you already cited, will also help.


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Thanks so much for the input. 


Carlacinni, not my period, though I hadn't even considered about my cycle playing a role. I got my period on day 3, which was awful!! But I do think I'm ovulating now… hmmm. 


GFChris. Yes, I do drink coffee first, I'm not sure I can stop that but I will try. My mornings are very intense getting everyone ready for school, and in order to pay any attention to what I'm eating I have to do it after they leave. But I need coffee to get to that point. Again, I'll try! I do eat a lot for breakfast and walk away very full, so I don't think I'm eating less because of the coffee.

-I will exclude the fat from my post workout meal. 

-I don't feel bloated but I definitely don't pay any attention to the bloat factor of the veggies I choose. I should!


The more I think about it the more I think that I'm really having too much fat. I read somewhere on here that higher fat meats count as fat. I've been eating more higher fat meats than ever before and still adding extra oil. I eat a lot of olive oil in normal life, but I also eat so much more chicken and fish. I may limit the extra fat a bit if having beef, is that a bad idea? I'll still put oil on my veggies and salad, but maybe feel less of a need to also add avocado. 


Tonight for dinner, grilled chicken breast over spaghetti squash with tomato sauce, broccoli with olive oil, extra avocado because I'm having chicken. And I've been trying to drink more water today!

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Everything your doing looks awesome. W30 results in weight-loss for some people, but it is not a writ-in-stone guarantee of the program. Stay the course, don't fret overmuch, your pants tightness will be sorted soon enough.

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The more I think about it the more I think that I'm really having too much fat. I read somewhere on here that higher fat meats count as fat. I've been eating more higher fat meats than ever before and still adding extra oil. I eat a lot of olive oil in normal life, but I also eat so much more chicken and fish. I may limit the extra fat a bit if having beef, is that a bad idea? I'll still put oil on my veggies and salad, but maybe feel less of a need to also add avocado. 



Fat is what really helps keep you satiated between meals. You can play with the amounts, but if you cut it too much, you'll find yourself hungry less than 4-5 hours after eating, which could lead to snacking or overeating to make up for the hunger, which sort of defeats the purpose of cutting back on something anyway.


You might find it helpful to read some past discussions on this topic -- I'll link to a few, but you can google Whole30 fat and find more if you want to.


Here's one, or another, or this one. And this success story is a good read too. 

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On the subject of fat:  I would go for more variety.  


I am not a scientist, and I do not have a link of any kind to back it up, but I recently heard John Kiefer (Carb Nite and Carb Backloading) say that olive oil is one of the easiest fats for our bodies to store, and one of the hardest fats for our bodies to release.


Worth thinking about.


Also, just heard on one of Jimmy Moore's podcasts that in the US, manufacturers of olive oil are allowed to use up to 40% soybean oil or other oils in their olive oil, without having to put it on the label.  There is an entire book on Amazon that was written about the TRUTH of the olive oil industry:




We use a lot of coconut oil and ghee.

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Thanks everyone. 

The encouragement and advice is so much appreciated. 

I feel like I'm back in the game today after being more mindful about fat with dinner and breakfast. Trust me, I'm eating plenty of it, I'm just really thinking about how much I'm having before adding more. And I'm thinking twice about olive oil Brewer5!

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Ditto on the olive oil.  I took a tour of a small independent California olive oil farm and press and most of what we get in the US is not even olive oil but is labeled as such.  Full of other oils, run off and chemicals.  California has created set of standards to ensure oil (carrying the seal) is 100% extra virgin true cold pressed. I seem to be unable to copy the link here but look for www.cooc.com where you can see the seal and learn more.


I do use olive oil but for flavor more than anything. Whole Foods carries several varieties that are reasonably priced. 

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