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Sarah's Whole 30 Log - Getting Healthy Before my Wedding!


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I start my very first Whole 30 tomorrow!  I have been on Weight Watcher's for about a year, so I have been enjoying the things I will miss the most (Diet Coke, popcorn, etc) in moderation for the last few days.  I have always been interested in where my food comes from and how it affects my body; I am just constantly battling my awful relationship I have with food.  I am an emotional eater, I reward/punish myself with food, and I have major portion control issues.  I also have constant stomach problems; I am learning that I may not do well with dairy and possibly with gluten.  My skin has also been not-so-great for the first time in my life, and I am looking to find out why!  With my wedding coming up in September, I am really working hard to feel and look my best; now is the time to get my issues under control. I have very high hopes for my Whole 30 experience! 

My fiance has agreed to complete the Whole 30 with me.  He is very physically active; Joe had lost about 120 lbs previously by eating right and working out.  Currently, he works out daily, but his eating habits concern me (crappy cereals, 10 Diet Mountain Dews per day, no water, and lots and lots of desserts).  Joe will eat healthy food if it is handed to him, but he does not make appropriate choices without someone helping! We are both hoping that this Whole 30 helps to break some of his (and my) addictions to sugar and artificial sweeteners.  I am glad to have his support and a partner in all of this!


To prepare, Joe and I have researched and researched.  I read It Starts with Food,  prepared lots of freezer meals (for when I don't feel like cooking), and prepared my pantry and fridge with items like homemade mayo, salsa, and hardboiled eggs.  I have enough food and ingredients for the whole month (minus fresh produce; this will be bought over the course of the month).  I am also obsessed with following the Whole 30 on instagram as well at the #whole30 hashtag! I really feel prepared, and I am so excited to get started!

I wanted to talk about my personal goals before beginning.  Just finishing the Whole 30 without any slip ups is my first goal.  I want to finish this flawlessly, so I am able to feel and see the benefits of the program.  These are my other goals for the next 30 days:

1. Work out for at least 60 minutes 3 times per week. Obviously, I would like to work out much more, but it is very hard for me to do this sometimes with my work schedule! To actually have this as a goal, it is almost like giving myself a rule, so I will HAVE to work out instead of try to.


2.  Eat dinner at the kitchen table with Joe at least twice a week.  We love to watch Netflix (right now, it's New Girl) while we eat dinner; I would like to make conversation more of a priority.


3.  Read two books during my Whole 30.  I never leave myself enough quality time for myself and reading.  I love reading; I put too much on my plate, and I need to make this a part of my daily routine!


I plan to post my meals on my weight watchers instagram, so if anyone would like to my progress, feel free to follow me! @wwseptemberwedding

: )

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Day One: I think that my day went VERY well.  I just finished my last meal of the day, and I am happy to report that my hard prep work paid off.  I woke up pretty late with a New Years hangover, but I spent the rest of my day putting together containers of meals for the next couple of days.  I am going to visit my family, so I wanted to have every single thing I need with me and ready to go.  I don't want to put a lot of pressure or restrictions on my grandfather who is an amazing chef and does all of the cooking, so I put together some soup, egg salad, chicken salad, and other meals!  These were my meals today:


Meal 1: Two runny eggs over sweet potatoes, green pepper, and onion with avocado oil.

Meal 2: Raw broccoli slaw with chicken, cilantro, and onion with a dressing made from avocado oil, lime juice, spices, and coconut aminos.

Meal 3: Two chicken thighs baked in olive oil and Italian spices over sweet potatoes and broccoli.


My goal for tomorrow is to eat more fruit!  Overall, I stuck to the guidelines, so I feel good about my first day. 


Also, I am about to go to a late movie, so I am packing some Lara Bars and La Croix in case the popcorn smell becomes too overpowering.  Movie popcorn is my absolute favorite food!

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I have been really terrible about logging my food on this forum.  However, I have been meticulously documenting my journey on Instagram as @wwseptemberwedding


I have found that I am obsessed with almond butter.  I love that I am trying new things! Wow, what a find!!


My fiance and I made the Well Fed salmon cakes last night; this was the best Whole 30 recipe I have found so far! The cakes were so delicious, and they allowed me to utilize a new ingredient: almond flour.  Very interesting! I will definitely be making that recipe again and even after my Whole 30 is complete!  I created a lemon sauce for the salmon cakes; this was made from homemade mayo, lemon juice, and Flavor God lemon and garlic seasoning.  Delicious!


At this time, I most miss popcorn and desserts.  I have never been a huge dessert person, but this is what I am craving! The cravings are so intense sometimes that I really have to complain to my fiance!!


Day 8:

Meal 1: banana, apple, one egg with hot sauce cooked in olive oil, and one ounce of almond butter.

Meal 2: apple and leftover salmon cakes (2) with lemon and garlic sauce (mayo, lemon juice, seasoning).

Meal 3: this will depend on whether we go to dinner with Joe's family or not.  I really do not want to go; dinner is at a pizza place that has ONE option for me: a grilled chicken salad (where I would need to remove most of the ingredients).  I think that I will not feel tempted, but I will feel awkward and uncomfortable.


On to day 9 tomorrow! 

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Day 9:


Meal 1: apple, raspberries, blackberries, 2 eggs fried in avocado oil, and 3 oz of leftover fingerling potatoes

Meal 2: blackberries, raspberries, and a salad made from lettuce, spinach, cucumber, red onion, half of an avocado, two hard boiled eggs, and lemon juice

Meal 3: thai chicken and coconut soup (chicken, coconut milk, coconut oil, bone broth, veggies)


Lots of vegetables and eggs today! No almond butter, because I need to stop. 


Chai tea, La Croix, and Pure Leaf tea throughout the day (the water at my work is disgusting, so I bring as much as I can..).

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Good luck with your first whole30! It sounds like you are off to a great start! You are pretty much 1/3 of the way there! The salmon cakes are one of my favorite recipes too. I will add you on instagram, my handle is whole30gal. :-)

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