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The relation between red wine and sugar

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Is there one? I'm on Day 4 of my first Whole 30. Before this I had gone paleo. 80/20 paleo a la Mark Sisson (who I still love!), you know, with the daily dark chocolate and red wine as treats. As time went on the 80 part of my diet decreased and the 20 part increased. *blush* Finally I decided I needed to get REAL about this and voila, my first Whole 30 began.

So now on day 4 I am having crazy dreams and just feeling weird. The main differences in what I'm eating now versus before I began are dairy and wine. I had already gone to black coffee and cut out chocolate so my *actual* sugar intake was limited (although not non existent).

So it's got to have something to do with the red wine. And, no, I wasn't a good MDA follower having a mere one glass a night (unless it was a very large glass - ha!). I'm not an alcoholic. I can go days with no alcohol. It's fine. But now looking back I see that on the days I didn't drink wine I increased my sugar and carb consumption. Aha! This is a light bulb moment but I don't know what to do with the information. (given my past I am sure I am addicted to sugar, and my dad is diabetic, as well as my maternal grandmother - we are a carb/sugar eating family. Were. :))

How does red wine affect insulin, blood sugar spikes, the sugar dragon and all that? I'm quite excited to find this link!

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Great! So the way to (finally) kill the sugar (and wino) dragon is to STARVE it - feed it nothing sweet, use the broiled fish and steamed broccoli litmus test, drink hot tea or bone broth after a meal, eat a mimimeal if truly hungry... And keep calm and whole 30 on...?

I'm slightly doubting my ability to really kill this thing. Hmm. We'll just have to see what happens!

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starving it does work.


My own experience is that, now, post- 2 years whole30ing (or quite close to it), I have extremely low tolerance for anything alcohol or fructose. More than 1/2 a glass of wine or an agave sweetened dessert leaves me inflamed and anxious. I haven't tried HFCS, but I'm sure that would be the same. Oh well. I'm getting better at pouring myself 1/4 of a glass of wine and then sticking to sparkling water...or skipping the wine altogether. I miss it a little, but I feel SO MUCH BETTER now.  :)

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