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Huge Appetites


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My whole family is doing the whole30. The kids are aged 9,7 & 5. They are onboard with it all and have chosen toys as a treat for getting through the whole thing. They have always been good eaters - two of them were born critically ill and spent a lot of time in hospital as newborns so when they were little I ensured they had excellent diets. V little dairy, no processed foods, no sugar etc. Since starting the whole30 11 days ago they are eating far more than they used to. They are probably having more fruit than is ideal on the whole30 (which I know won't keep them full for long) but thats not a change for them as they have always eaten lots of fruit (at times probably too much). They never ate a lot of bread and pasta but I am wondering if it's not that they need to eat as much as they are but that the feeling of full is different when your not having those types of carbs so they think they are still hungry even when they are not. Any ideas/thoughts?

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Protein is the most satiating food. Start by increasing that and then add more fat. Especially helpful is adding fat to veggies, it makes them even tastier and you then get the fiber to boot. I like to slice or cube sweet potatoes, brush or dab coconut oil on them, and roast at 425. Depending on how thick you slice/cut them, roast for 15 minutes then flip. You'll know they're ready when they're starting to brown a bit and are fork-tender.

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Too much fruit can keep their hormones in the "hungry every 2 hours" swing, you might consider including fruit with their meals instead of on its own as a snack.  Their meal composition should be as close to an adults as possible, using their own little palms and thumbs as measurement of quantity.

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The fruit is usually with a meal. I'm not a huge fan of snacking. Even when they were little I didn't give them snacks - thought it was better they were really hungry at meal times so they ate whatever I put in front of them. They do however have something when they get home from school though. I'll try all your suggestions. Thanks.

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