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One Good Whole30 choice I made today is:


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Excessive sugar consumption (and this includes artificial sugar substitutes) is a potential threat not just for Type II Diabetes or LADA, but also for autoimmune thyroid and polyendocrine thyroid diseases.

It can also foster secondary infections like candida and SIBO (Small Intestine Bascterial Overgrowth).

Autoimmune diseases increase the risk of cancer.

Diet sodas don't protect you from anything.

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On Reintro Day 1, I had an explosive reaction to my first serving of whole wheat toast with breakfast (2 slices).  Yikes!  So I decided to take it real slow...

Day 3. Today,  I made a big compliant turkey meatloaf which came out great, had it for lunch with string beans and a small yam, then kept some in the fridge for this week and froze thick slices for the future.

Then tonight I went out to dinner, had a bare burger with my first dollop of regular ketchup, bare baked potato, small salad, and my first glass of wine.  Yum!  But later I noticed a slight craving for something sweet.  I haven't wanted snacks at night for quite a while, and resisted.  Uh oh...slippery slope!

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