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I'm so proud of my 19yo daughter


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Like most teenagers, my daughter loves her fair share of junk food, soft drink and takeaways.


When I told her I was going to do this thing called Whole30 and what it was, she said I'll join you... I think I must have looked at her like "what the"... ;)


I had to planned to start when she was away for a long weekend, she demanded that I wait till she returned so we could start together. She never read the rules or anything I printed out, she just said tell me what to do.


Well we have just completed day 5 and she is loving it. Not only has she surprised me, she's surprising herself. Her skin is clearer and she's conquering that nasty sugar dragon.


I made meatballs with zucchini pasta yesterday, she declared that it was better than the "real" thing and may never go back. Tonight we had the meatballs again, but I was out of zucchini, so we had them with cauliflower rice, she was so disappointed, because apparently zucchini noodles rock!


Boy, I'm sure you can see my beaming proud Mum grin from miles away. :D

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