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Anyone continuing Jan Whole30 to make a Whole60?


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I'm finishing my first Whole30 in 2 days (!!!) on Feb. 3 and thinking about continuing on for another month. Is anyone else doing the same, whether as a Whole60 or taking a break and starting again?
I'm still trying to decide whether I'll take a couple days off in between or if that would be a bad idea. My most important thing is to start on the same day with others this time, as I started a few days later than the big New Year's Whole30 group.


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Hi Anna - Myself and a couple girls are on day 30 tomorrow, they are going to have a break meal or two and do another 30.  I am going to do a Whole 180 straight through, jump aboard!!  You will just feel all that much better if you don't cheat between.  You can do it!!

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My first whole30 turned in to a whole60. I felt I could have gone on, but was curious about some foods so started a reintro, even tho I didn't miss any of the foods on the no list. I know now I really wasn't ready for the reintro as shockingly I found out legumes and I DO NOT get along. the next several months had me sliding back into all my awful eating patterns. A couple of restart attempts happened, then one day, some of the symptoms that had disappeared began showing up, with depression coming back with a scary vengeance. I knew then getting back on track was a matter of life and death. So, day 20 for me of my at least a whole100. I'll see where I am at when I get to that point. If my body is ready to take off the training wheels. It took way more than 100 days for me to get in this condition. It is amazing to me how well the body is able to repair it self and so quickly if given the right building blocks!

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I'm on day 28, and have decided to do a Whole 60.  I feel like my body is not ready to reintroduce new food.  I was a mess when I began, and feel I'm just now seeing some light.  Looking forward to the next 30.


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