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Coming down with a cold - any recommendations?


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Hi everyone! I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with a cold, and I usually like to take sambucol or some immune system supplement like EmergenC or Airborne, but of course all of those have sugar. So instead I just bought vitamin C tablets but those aren't enough for me.


I want something to treat my sore throat, like a cough drop. Does anyone know of any brands that don't have sugar? I don't need medicine, I'm at the point of the cold where I'm trying to prevent it. 


Also, any recipe recommendations while I'm at it?



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Soothe sore throats or coughs by swallowing a teaspoon or two of warm EV olive oil, let it trickle slowly down to coat your throat.

It is said that extra virgin olive oil may help boost your immunity.


The same remedy is said to help with heartburn.  Use before you go to bed.

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I doubt you'll find a cough drop that doesn't have honey or sugar or some other sweetener in it. There is a tea called Throat Coat Tea, you might find that soothing.


Broth is always good if you're not feeling well. It would help soothe your throat, and it's good for you. You can drink it on its own or use it as a base for a soup.


Probably the best thing, though, is just to keep eating healthy foods. If it's truly just a cold, it'll run its course in a couple of days regardless of what you do. (If it's a sore throat that lingers for more than a day or two, go get checked for strep, since that can get really bad, and you don't want to mess around with it.)

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Dill Pickle Juice Eases The Pain


All you have to do is drink (Dill) Pickle Juice...Save the juice left in the jars after the pickles are gone... it tastes better than plain vinegar. You can drink it or gargle with it.



(I worked with a Japanese man who said his family ate dill pickles and gargled with pickle juice whenever a sore throat/cold was coming on)

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I'm in the same boat as you at the moment, and my arsenal includes: drinking hot lemon water, oil of oregano gargled with salt water and dropped under the tongue, extra vitamin C, and using my neti pot first thing in the morning and right before bed.

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Hot Ginger and lemon.  Seriously grate some fresh ginger (a good amount) into a glass.  squeeze half a lemon into it.  Pour boiling water into this mixture and let it steep for five minutes or longer.  Normally if I'm not doing a whole 30 I would put some honey to make it a bit more palatable, but honey as you know is not compliant.  So you might add a bit of juice - a Tbsp or so.  It does help

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I'm also coming down with a cold so I appreciate all of these suggestions. Whenever I'm sick I crave the stuff my parents gave us: buttered white toast, honey and lemon in hot water, luden's cough drops.

I will definitely echo Shannon's broth suggestion. A good broth has magical powers. Or seems to anyway. Make a whole chicken (as close to pasture raised as you can manage), eat it, throw the carcass in a slow cooker with a couple bay leaves, roughly chopped onion, garlic and ginger (optional--but as Carla said ginger is great when you are sick, and is used in traditional Chinese methods of using food as medicine). Simmer overnight, 8, 12 or 24 hours. When done, strain, sprinkle with nice salt and enjoy.

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It is unlikely that you will find an OTC cold medication on the market that does not have sugar, wheat or soy in it.  It is entirely your decision whether or not to take it, knowing that ingestion of at least wheat and soy is going to cause your gut to reset its reset... 

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