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Whole 30 for thin teeneager?


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My daughter has been in the 10% percentile since the moment she was born, but she is not healthy. !5 and typical teenager, loves junk and most importantly sugar. She has skin problems and comes down with cough/colds on a regular basis. She's doing the whole 30 with me, at my suggestion but I do NOT want her losing any weight. My goal for her is solely health. This may be a stupid question as I know she'll be much healthier with the foods I am supplying to her now, but can she actually gain weight from the whole 30? I'd like this for her




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The Whole30 is a great way for skinny people to gain weight. Unfortunately, people habitually treat the Whole30 like a diet and fail to eat the minimum recommended. They apply what they think they know about healthy eating from places like Weight Watchers and do things like avoid fat and reduce portion sizes below Whole30 standards. One of these days I am going to publish 30 days of my meals to show people how to really eat. :)

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Great article! Thank you!!!!!


I personally would like to lose weight but it's not my main focus. Just from reading, people tend to lose weight and that was my only concern for her. Definitely going to add more meat and potatoes on her plate! She's on board to try, and well I'm not going to be providing the dairy/grains and processed junk I used to. I just really want her to read the book, so she'd understand more why I'm doing this..

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