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Begin Again - Second turn around the block


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Started my second Whole30 on February 25, 2015.  Today is my fifth day.  I believe I'm on the timeline of "Kill All The Things".  That would be appropriate.

I will be 50 this year and I am at a crossroads in my life.  My stomach problems have been taking over lately.  Tired of sleeping on stacks of pillows to keep from having reflux.  I am in the process of getting medical insurance for the first time in eight years. Sadly I won't be able to afford to use it.  With the monthly payments and deductible, I am just paying for someone else, not me.  So I must change my habits to live.  Honestly at this point it's a matter of wanting to live and knowing if I keep going down the path I'm on, if it doesn't kill me my quality of life wil not be good.  So here's to the next 25 days.

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