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Day 31… and counting


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I completed the Whole 30 yesterday, my first. At an appointment with my doctor today, I discovered that my weight is down 15 pounds and my heart rate is down 15 points! She was quiet enthused about the change  my high heart rate– it had been in the 90s or over 100 –and said it's a good indicator of overall health. I'm generally a very healthy person, but I have gained back all the weight plus some that I lost on the Medifast program. I really appreciate that I can eat regular food from the grocery store, without having to mail order pre-packaged products. And to have measurable results so soon is wonderfully encouraging. The moderate arthritis in my knee seems to be getting better, and I can certainly go down the stairs much more fluidly now. I realized the other day that I haven't had any heartburn, and I had it about once today for several months before starting the program. And although I've never really had much trouble sleeping, I am getting more sleep and waking up "Awake." In the past, it took a while to feel that I was completely conscious–pretty foggy.


I had already decided to continue with the clean way of eating that I have been doing for the past month, and the doctor suggested that I pick a specific length of time, something like 15 days, which I had already thought about doing. That means I am now  two thirds of the way through my whole 45. :-) 


I've told a few friends what I'm doing, but I didn't do as was suggested: Announcing it on Facebook or telling everybody. I've been on too many diets and food plans with up-and-down results to feel like it's a motivator to tell a lot of people. They'll notice when I have lost enough weight for it to show up, and that's soon enough. I don't have a scale, so that was an easy part. Well, actually the whole program has been pretty easy. Sorry for burying the lead :-)  After the first few days of learning what and how much to eat at each meal and doing a lot of food preparation in advance, it was extremely smooth sailing, and for that I am deeply grateful. I just don't think I have another white-knuckle experience left in me, after 55 years of dieting (I'm 65). I'm grateful that I don't get hungry between meals, for the most part. If I do, I know that it's not a big deal, and I forget about it after a few minutes.  


I have LOVED the e-mails every day! They have been such a boost and contain great information and support. I especially liked being able to click "Had a clean food day today" at the end of each day and getting the little treat/reward of a fun picture or video or something with the congratulations. That really was a boost, and I thank who ever wrote those.


So, I'm curious to see what happens tomorrow and for the next 15 days. I have a lot of confidence and enthusiasm moving forward and appreciate this opportunity to share that. My writing might not sound nearly as grateful and excited as I am, so please insert more from your side. :-)


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