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Day 24! Incredible.


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Today is my 24th day of my first Whole30. I have played with primal/paleo for about a year and a half off and on but never really gave it this much of a chance. The Whole30 has been great. I like that it is so strict- then there is no questioning. No lying to yourself about "how much of a cheat is this? It's just ONE scoop of ice cream." It keeps you honest about your cravings and you really have to deal with them. One at a time.

It took about 18 days before I really "got" it. Now I feel like continuing my Whole30 into a Whole60 or beyond wouldn't be so difficult. Now I don't want to weigh myself because it just doesn't matter anymore. I feel wonderful and healthy! My skinny jeans fit and I LIKE myself! How would knowing what number I have hit make me feel better than that?

I urge any of you on day 1-15 to stick with it. You will feel better. You will get it. There IS a change that happens physically AND mentally and it is so worth it but you won't "get" it if you quit after 15 days or 2 days or...

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This was a very timely read for me, thank you :)

I'm on Day 4 (I think?? :huh: ) and whilst reading your post the first thing I thought was 'oh dear, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to commit to giving up booze for longer than this 30 days' (it already frightens me that I might not make it) and therefore I worry that because of this chink, I might not make it at all.

I'm not sure I can say I'm feeling much yet, although there is a purity to the process which feels liberating. You are right, with most other diets or ways of eating I have tried, it's not long before you start to think about ways to fiddle with it, to still lose weight while tweaking. I know I have made a couple of very tiny slip-ups but the overall focus on health rather than weight is what is keeping me going. I've lost weight tons of times doing other things, I know I can do it - but now I HAVE to focus on my health because after all, that is what this is meant to be about really. I know I can lose weight - I sure know I can put it back on again once I lose the motivation to continue - but what I need to prove to myself is that I love myself enough to eat healthily and to maintain myself as a healthy person, respecting my body.

Looking forward to this physical and mental change that comes... :) ... in the meantime congrats on hitting 24 days and good luck!

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