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Monday will be my day 1


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Hello all! I have been reading these forums and everyones stories for awhile and have finally decided it's time to start my 30 days. I am an avid runner(half marathons mostly) and do CrossFit 3 times a week. I don't eat horribly right now, I already have cut our carbs(grains) for the past month and a half. The thing I know I will be dealing with mainly is cutting out sugar and my only source of caffeine, Diet Coke! I have become used to having my daily lunch time diet coke with some kind of chocolate or candy as dessert. That being said, I really want to put all my efforts into staying on the plan for the full 30 days. Lately I have been feeling terrible because I work out very hard and see no gains, I know this is because of the "little treats" I have been allowing myself.

The other challenge I expect is the availability of some foods. I live in South Korea and it is difficult and very expensive to find some things here. Mostly I will be buying meat, fish and vegetables that are in season to keep costs low.

I've decided on Monday as my start day so I can have the weekend to head to Costco and stock up on meat and veggies to get me through. I am very excited/nervous to start and see how much better I can feel!

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