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Day 29, onto another 30!

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Almost there! One more day! I know you aren't supposed to weigh yourself but I got excited last night and couldn't help it... I cheated. Day 28 and down 21lbs (from my heaviest, forgot to weight myself week before starting this) AND so much smaller. I was able to down-size my bridesmaid dress for a wedding this summer and am excited where before I was so worried about how I would look. Now, I wish I could say this success was from me staying 100% on but I had some trouble the last week with temptation. Not like I had full meals or rolled clean off the wagon, just nibbles here and there. Still, cheating. Recognizing this and how little water I have been drinking recently made me not only want to start another 30 and really go all in, no cheating last week, but also start a blog and increase my accountability. I'm not using the blog here. Instead I'm using BlogSpot (http://tstonecleanandlean.blogspot.com/). I am super excited. This is the first time I have found something I want to keep doing. I have tried so many diets, meal plans, premade food, and calorie counting fads before and they just don't work. I was also getting worried about how always telling my 3-yr old I was on a "diet" could affect his relationship with food. Now we talk about "healthy choices" instead of relating what we eat to the D-word.


This is amazing. I love how amazing I feel. I love how amazing I look! I'm becoming the better me I was hoping for when I started.

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So I moved this post out of the Success Stories section and into the Off track/Staying on track section because that is what you are talking about here. 


I want to celebrate your losing weight and downsizing your dress size, but your "nibbles here and there" mean you have not been doing a Whole30. You deserve to get more out of the time you are investing. The only thing I can really celebrate is your saying you plan to start a real Whole30 and go all in. Do that and you will have something to celebrate!

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