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Some success


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I am not ready to write my complete success story because I think I need more time to achieve all of the benefits that so many people talk about. I am on day 39 of either a whole60 or whole100 and I am still not feeling the major energy boost that so many people have experienced. I think there may be some medical reasons for this and I am going to see my doctor next week. So i plan to continue until I start to feel the benefits.

There are two major achievements that make me consider this program a success regardless of the results I mentioned above.

1) I have had no binges in 39 days!!!!! This is the first time in my life I have gone that long without binging!!!

2) Generally, if there is a major holiday especially one that involves food I am usually consuming massive amounts of garbage/sugar and by the actual holiday I feel so gross that I am mad at myself for ruining the day. As of now I have consumed zero Easter candy and zero Girl Scout cookies (I have a whole bunch in my car). This will be the first holiday I wake up not feeling disgusted with myself!!!'

For these two reasons I will continue on and claim victory!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't get the major energy boost either -  I did 2 whole 30's...  I did however enjoy lots of other bonus's for doing whole 30's,   Mainly inflammation, and bloating, swelling is all gone !!  and off pain medications.


I bet there are other things that you are experiencing.


Good luck with your journey !!!

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