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What is one serving of chicken salad?

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I find it easier to picture the "palm-size" portion prior to making a mixed dish like chicken salad. Just think about how many servings of chicken are in the salad, and divide it into that number of portions. So, for example: if I put two-palms-worth of chicken into the salad, then it makes two servings; just divide the final dish in half.


PS. pro-tip: If the prepared salad serving is smaller than one-palm (like your half-cup of salad) then it definitely does not contain a full palm of protein.

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Thanks for the help! It was made from a small whole organic chicken. I didn't measure out the portions of chicken before I added the mayo. I also put 3 HB eggs in the batch. It made about 4 and a half cups with some celery added too.

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