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April 20- Husband and me, kids partially


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No food log. Today for meal 1 around 8am, I had 3 eggs scrambled with broccoli slaw and onions, coffee with coconut milk and half an Asian pear. I went for a walk with a friend and that was for about an hour. I was starving by 1130 so for lunch I ate a palm size of baked salmon with onions with Brussels sprouts, spinach and kimchi with half an avocado. I was hungry by 3ish and drank some tea and waited to see if I was hungry. At 4 I had a hard boiled egg 10 olives and some grapes. At around 530 I had a palm size of chicken with sweet potato and I'm drawing a blank on the fat. By 8 I was hungry again and now at 10pm I'm starving. But I'm tired so I will just go to sleep. I feel like I still need to snack to make it between meals.


Theoretically, those meals look pretty good, assuming that you're getting one to three cups of vegetables at each of them, but since you're still hungry, they may not be enough for you. The meal template does allow for a range of serving sizes, maybe you need to be eating on the upper end of the template. Some tweaks you might try:  

  • try more protein with M1 -- either add a 4th egg or add some other protein source
  • some people report having fruit with breakfast leaves them feeling hungrier throughout the day, so maybe move the fruit to M2 or M3 instead and see if it makes a difference
  • at lunch and supper, you could increase the protein size, or the fat, or both (and you can always add more vegetables, no one's ever going to tell you to eat less of them)
  • your hard boiled egg and olives were great for a mini meal, but try vegetables instead of fruit (fruit can cause a rise and drop in blood sugar, which could leave you feeling hungrier)
  • you might also play with having starchy vegetables more than once a day. I personally feel like they can be more filling than some other vegetables if I'm really feeling hungry

Obviously, you don't have to try all of these things in one day. I personally would start out upping the size of breakfast, just because I've noticed for myself that when my breakfast isn't big enough, no matter how much I eat the rest of the day, I feel hungry. And it's possible that how much you need to eat will change over time, so always be willing to make changes and do different things to see what works best for you at any given time.

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Thank you, Shannon! (Are your the Shannon featured in today's email by any chance?)

I will definitely try those things. I may not be eating enough veggies. I tend to veer on the 1 cup side. I already feel like I'm eating a ton but I will try more. I am so thirsty these days which I find fascinating bc prior to whole30 I drank very little water and didn't really feel thirsty. I'm drinking so much more that I have woken up twice a night to go to the bathroom these past two nights!

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Welcome to Week 2! 25% There!


Made the Taj Mahal Chicken and cauliflower rice for dinner (both from Well Fed 2) last night. Hubby and I really enjoyed it. Later we had strawberries topped with whipped coconut cream with a little vanilla. I told him maybe we can go out next weekend. He said he's really enjoying eating in (he travels during the week).  I'm OK with that.


This morning made the Sunrise Scramble from Well Fed 2. Really good. The Sunrise Spice is quite good, too. Spicy, sweet, cinnamon. Interesting. I'm not sure I can eat the whole serving. If not, I'll save the extra for later.

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I have always been thirsty and drank tons of water.

Also varying degrees of hungry. Even when I have eaten more than enough to be full. So eating this way has lessened the "starving" hunger unless it has been 6 hours or more. It has definitely been interesting!

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Good Morning!  I also started my very first Whole30 on April 20th, I hope y'all don't mind someone else in this fine group!


I am doing it alone, mostly.  My husband isn't fully on board, but did tell me that he is just fine with Whole30 dinners.  So far, I really like how I feel.  More energetic and I feel like I sleep better.  Although, yesterday, I came down with whatever virus my kids have been passing around.  Luckily I had leftover compliant chicken soup from the other day, and was able to get down some fruit.  One thing, though... my throat was so very sore, but every lozenge has sugar!  Regular tea didn't help, and I know honey isn't complaint.  Any one have advice with this one?


I need to try to get to eating breakfast within the hour of waking, but having a just turned 4 year old and 2.5 year old ID twins (all girls!), it's nearly impossible.  After I shower and get myself ready and get them breakfast and dressed, it's already 1.5-2 hours from when I first woke.  I may try to make an egg casserole so it's just easy to heat while I make them breakfast.


Why I am doing Whole30: I normally eat very wholesome, with some SAD downfalls.  Wine.  Cheese.  Crackers.  I just can't seem to escape those.  Especially the wine at night after my trio go to bed.  Having 3 kids so close together is exhausting, and wine helps me wind down while I stare absent minded at the TV watching Netflix or Hulu (ha).  I also need to teach myself to sit down and eat 3 good meals a day.  Normally, I will eat a very healthy breakfast of eggs and veggies.  Lunch, if I have dinner leftovers (which is rare, dh always takes them to work) I will eat that, but I'm always so busy with my kids, that actually finding time to cook is nearly non existent because I've already used that time to prepare lunch for my kids.  So, I graze on raw veggies, crackers, lunch meat, cheese, chips and salsa, etc.  Pretty much whatever is quick and convenient.  Dinner time is always very healthy, usually consisting of chicken or fish, veggies, a salad, and potatoes or rice.  But, I've normally grazed throughout the afternoon so much, and taste tested dinner, that I am almost never hungry, so I don't actually eat a good dinner.  One last reason... who doesn't like to shed a few pounds?


This week has changed all that though!  I am eating 3 meals a day, with some snacks if I have been extra busy or had a good workout.  I am finding extra time here and there to prepare compliant meals for myself (it's hard, but I'm doing it!).  Overall I feel better.  I did have a few days of "carb fog" but that seems to have passed. 


I'm looking forward to the next 3 weeks!

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I think sometimes we feel we have to justify time spent on ourselves even if it is for food! I so understand the wanting to just disengage after a day of "mommy mommy mommy". I sleep a lot sounder and go to sleep so much faster! I do wear earplugs too. Since the toilet is now fixed (not running several times a night) I might try without!

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I'm still starving between meals!  Today especially so.  I did go for a long walk this morning, so maybe that is it.  But there hasn't been a day that I don't have a snack in the afternoon and sometimes morning!!!  I hope this gets better. I know my meals should be lasting 4-5 hours....

Mishyloo, If you are genuinely hungry between meals, you need to increase the quantity you are eating at each meal. I read some of your meals when you were first starting and they were quite small. Feel free to post again if you would like some feedback. If you are hungry between meals while you work out how much to serve yourself, have a mini meal of at least protein and fat, ideally also veggies.

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Update: this morning I upped my veggie intake and threw in some grape tomatoes instead of eating fruit. Happy to report that breakfast is lasting longer!!! I also packed a crazy amount of asparagus and Brussels sprouts to go along with my pork for lunch!!! And brought a half of an avocado to make sure to get enough fat even though the cooking has some fat in it. Thanks for the helpful advice everyone!

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Do any of you have good ideas for marking your food in the leftover containers in fridge? I've been using sticky notes on things that I think people might find confusing - like Mayo and foods in sauces. But wondering if there is a more earth-friendly way - something Target sells, by chance, as I'm going there this afternoon?  :) 

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Do any of you have good ideas for marking your food in the leftover containers in fridge? I've been using sticky notes on things that I think people might find confusing - like Mayo and foods in sauces. But wondering if there is a more earth-friendly way - something Target sells, by chance, as I'm going there this afternoon?  :)

jen - if you wash your stuff in a dishwasher, you can write on plastic and glass tupperware with a sharpie - that's how i label everything! i just put it in the dishwasher and it disappears (or i can swipe it off easily with a sponge when it comes out). just don't write on any rough surface or areas with ridges.

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y'all! day 8! i wrote a long post on my phone last night and it disappeared when i pressed post, so....bummer. 


but...i can't believe we are already almost through day 8. i worked out today for the first time since like december and it was...hard. what kinds of workouts do you ladies do? (are we all ladies here? sorry if i'm overlooking some gentleman participants :))


i am not a cross-fitter but i was a runner before i had kids. since kids, well, i have been sporadic at best. but i'm trying to use this steady energy i've been feeling to re-motivate. today i went to the gym late morning and then ate my lunch as my post workout meal - the protein salad on page 161 of the book (made it with chicken), greens, a yellow bell pepper (half), some whole30 ranch i made yesterday, and a little apple. it's 2:33 in the afternoon here, and i am still awake and feel great (in spite of super frustrating conference calls at work). 

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My hardest part has been trying to eat 1 hour after getting up. I have gotten it to within 2 hours.


Jill, this is my first day. What did you mean that the hardest part has been trying to eat 1 hour after? I do not like to eat first thing in the morning. Is it part of the program to eat within an hour of getting up? I remember reading something about that but it seemed optional.



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Jill, this is my first day. What did you mean that the hardest part has been trying to eat 1 hour after? I do not like to eat first thing in the morning. Is it part of the program to eat within an hour of getting up? I remember reading something about that but it seemed optional.




It's a recommendation to eat within one hour of waking in the morning. If you choose not to eat within one hour of waking, you haven't broken the rules -- but you won't get the best possible results either.

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I think if it as trying to work toward template. It's like looking at someone whole30 and seeing breakfast is fruit and coconut, is it compliant yes, but not template or "in the true spirit" of whole30 as I think of it!

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