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That slippery slope...


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Yesterday was my first "post" day. I told myself I was staying on, but all day it felt like I had to make that choice over and over again. Like I've finished it so I "could" decide to just have a martini. I did make an intentional reintroduction of dandy blend. It's a coffee substitute that contains roasted barley. I've missed it. Hard to know if it ha any effect. I found myself in a cool waterfront bar in the afternoon and really wanted a cocktail. I really thought about how it would taste and how I'd feel during and afterwards and that did it. I didn't really want it. It was only hard for a minute. Then I stayed on track the rest of the day. And so begins another day of actually making choices. It's harder.

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Not guilty, just a little nervous to see how even though I said I'd continue, being "officially" finished leaves me feeling more at the ready to consider off-roading. It's an interesting shift in the psychology. Not sure where I'll really draw the line, and don't want to lose any momentum.

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