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Whole30 and Lurong Challenge


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Is it ok to start the Whole 30 and Lurong challenge at the same time? I just started Whole 30 this week. I'm on day 2. Our Crossfit box will start the Lurong Challenge next week, I'm not sure if this will effect me in any way

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It is a bad idea. The menu of the Whole30 exceeds the requirements of the Elite level of the Lurong Challenge, but there are aspects of the Lurong program in terms of meal frequency, cheating, and tracking that leans away from where we want you to go during a Whole30. Besides that, combining programs is a losers game generally. It is hard enough to do one program faithfully. Trying to do two programs when they have many subtle and some obvious differences is distracting at best and disastrous at worst. 

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The Elite level is what I was hoping for and just try to go Whole30 with it, But I'll have to rethink my plan. I was so excited to start the Whole30 challenge, I had forgotten about my commitment to the Lurong challenge. Thank you for your feedback.

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