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Tummy Troubles....


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I started the Whole 30 on Saturday, April 21. Since Monday night, have been having some stomach issues. It started with cramping, but then things started....moving. I know this is a cleanse, so maybe I just had so much junk in me and it is trying to get out! Did this happen to anyone else? Everytime I put something in my mouth, something else....passes.


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Stopping grains and adding lots of vegetables can have a big impact on your gut flora. It sounds like the ocean of bacteria in your stomach is in the midst of a storm. That happens to lots of us and after a while, the storm will pass and you will experience less... excitement.

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I am on Day 27 and I am still having awful stomach trouble- Cramping, and visiting the bathroom alot! And the gas is unbearable- i was NOT a gassy person before w30 and since I started I have become super gassy! It's been the worst part of this- its sooo embarrassing! I have followed the program as directed and I am wondering if I need to continue past day 30?

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I ate pretty healthy before w30- lots of veggies- I am vegetarian and have started on this w30 adventure to slay my sugar dragon!! I was a slave to my sugar cravings! The good news is that my cravings have decreased in an amazing way- I do indulge in fruit a couple times a day and for me that is a huge improvement! I was eating chocolate cookies beforehand! :). But the stomach issues are almost too much for me to handle- I love this lifestyle but am considering bagging it because I can't get my stomach under control! How could I feel so gross still on day27?!

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I'm having a similar problem. Lots of *ahem* bathroom trips. Now, I've always had a bit of IBS, but it seems to have jumped into overdrive lately. I'm hoping it's just the junk working its way out of my system as my gut heals. I also know that coffee irritates my "system" yet here I am still drinking it. I hope this passes soon!

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My husband is having the opposite problem, which is making him feel bloated, fat, and generally uncomfortable. Any relatively simple advice? He is on the road a lot and doesn't like complicated meals...and don't even talk to me about trying to get him to a doctor, LOL!

I told him it may be part of the detox process. I had a really bad headache today myself and have felt lightheaded, and it's just the first day!

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Linda, I had a huge improvement in this area after adding sauerkraut to my breakfast and lunch. I hear that fermented veggies are good for, ahem, easier digestion!

And I concur with you, if he's still in the first week or so there is a lot of adjustment that happens within the gut as part of the detox!

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