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picky, underweight toddlers with allergies


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I have a very picky, underweight, toddler that is allergic to egg white (not yolk), milk and peanuts. I currently give him almond milk with coconut cream mixed in, 1x a day, and egg yolks for breakfast. He loves fresh veggies, and chicken. (However he won't eat avocado, which I offer to him every day off my plate.) I want to take him off sugar, but the high calorie foods he likes have sugar in them and I am having trouble finding high calorie foods that he will eat with no sugar. I put coconut oil and coconut cream in everything, but he has lost so much weight that his pediatrician is worried.  Any tips?


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This is really intended for adults, I'm not sure how helpful it will be, but you might get some ideas in the Keeping Weight On During Whole30 article.


I don't know if you're trying to keep him on W30 or not, but bear in mind that many of the recommendations about non-SWYPO foods are really about changing adults' relationship with food. If making him banana pancakes or banana and coconut based fruit smoothies will help in this situation, I think that would be fine. How would he feel about banana pancakes with almond butter or cashew butter? You can also make mayo with just the yolk of the egg, so if he'd eat mayo on vegetables or a homemade ranch dressing on vegetables, that might get some extra calories in.


Hopefully other people who actually have kids and some experience with this will weigh in soon, that's just my thoughts on it, because everyone just loves when the childless person gives advice on child rearing, right?  :D

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Hopefully other people who actually have kids and some experience with this will weigh in soon, that's just my thoughts on it, because everyone just loves when the childless person gives advice on child rearing, right?  :D


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I bet he'd love Velvety Butternut Squash from Well Fed (and on The Clothes Make the Girl blog).


I use a combo of butternut squash AND sweet potato. Maybe just use more cinnamon and a little less Ras el Hanout. (EDIT: And use just the yolks, of course).


Lots of good carbs, some protein, veggie goodness that is really delicious. I usually add an extra egg too. Omit the nuts if you like.

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I have a newly 4 year old little guy and he has been known to have his picky moments. What helps him is to let him 'help' in the kitchen. He likes to help stir, so I let him help with scrambling his eggs, he likes to put bacon in a cold pan, he has even helped me cut up food--his hand on mine of course! We also let him pick out veggies and fruit in the produce department and that helps him eat new things. LOL! Our market had a bin out of local heirloom tomatoes, he picked one up and took a HUGE bite out of it and pronounced it yummy! We quickly popped it in a bag and he proudly carried that bag through the market and gave it to the cashier to ring up! He had that tomato with his dinner. 


Maybe letting your toddler help would make things easier? my little guy loves to help with making mayo too, and is my number 1 taster. 

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