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We went on a 7 mile hike.  We are on day 21 of clean eating.  Husband and I love the Whole 30 and are planning the Whole 60.

However, we are training for a backpacking trip and need ideas for compliant but light snacks.  I've got a thing about nuts, they trigger a bottomless craving, so I've dropped them from my diet except in emergencies. Beyond, nuts I need to back small foods with a high protein punch that won't go bad in the heat.

I'm completely confused about Lara Bars or Kind Bars... would these be a compliant solution? Even if they are, I don't want to risk becoming too reliant on them.  For Hikers, not just walkers what would be a great carry along?

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There are several protein bars highlighted on the Whole30-approved page that would be good carry along foods for hikes: http://whole30.com/whole30-approved/...Epic Bars, Chomp Sticks, Wild Zora bars, Primal Pacs. 


I moved your post to the Whole30 for athletes section where it might get the attention of more serious hikers.

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Protein in foil packs - tuna or salmon.  Herring and sardines, but the cans are heavier.

Dried or smoked meat.  Beef, bison or salmon jerky.

Nuts offer fat.

Paleo kits are good. 

Dried berries.

Chopped veggies. Vacuum sealed.


Avocado...if it's the first day or two.


Some may use baby food pouches but the first ingredient is usually applesauce or a fruit puree with a tiny amount of veggie puree.   Not really intended for  125-200 lb adults. 


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Also, a few drops of Pink Himalayan salt dissolved in water for  long distance running, hiking, or just in your water bottle on hot summer days work miracles for keeping the body hydrated and replenishing the body.


It naturally does what Gatorade and the other sports drinks claim to do, without the fructose or other artificial ingredients.


- Sea salt may dehydrate the body whereas Himalayan Salt helps hydrate the body

- Sea salt is difficult to digest and assimilate for our bodies because it is not at the mineral electrolyte size which is immediately usable in our blood and cells (I know that's a mouthful)

- No digestion is necessary for Himalayan Salt, therefore it is ready for immediate use by the body when dissolved in water, unlike sea salt.

- Himalayan Salt  contains all the 84 minerals in the perfect balance
(though as with any salt, Pink Himalayan Salt is still mostly sodium, and many of the other minerals are in "trace" amounts or even "negligible", but they are in they are in the proportions that nature intended, assuming this salt is truly unrefined, and remember, some estimates have reserves of Pink Salt to be a half billion tons, so we must assume there will be variations in mineral content, there is much heated debate on the web to the validity of this point)

- Himalayan Salt is unrefined, and almost in it natural state as it was when created hundreds of million of years ago, over 80% of Sea Salts are now refined in some way (not Celtic Sea Salt however, from what I understand, Celtic Sea Salt is still seen as another quality Salt)

- Sea salt can be taken from oceans whose waters have become progressively more toxic waters over the last few decades

- Manufacturers are now playing games with the "sea salt" label. Any salt can be labeled sea salt and still be a refined salt with a weak mineral profile.

- Unlike Sea Salt, Himalayan salt is almost always hand mined and never comes in contact with chemicals that may be harmful to the body.

-  Pink Himalayan Salt contains traces of EXTREMELY important Iodine, whereas sea salt does not contain the all important iodine (I'm not sure if that applies to every sea salt, but it seems with any processed sea salt, the iodine is stripped away).

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This isn't going to be terribly useful, in light of your no nuts policy, but I did an 8 day hike over New Years and my snack bags for each day were a mix of jerky, dried nuts, dried fruit, and a couple of lolly snakes (not Whole 30, obvs, and I totally could have done without them in retrospect) - I can't remember the exact weight of each item now (it was all carefully measured out to keep my pack as light as possible, I think each snack pack weighed 150 or 200g total), but I often got to the end of the day and hadn't eaten it all (that was with a light lunch, too). For me, I don't eat a lot during the day while hiking, but I need to have a pretty filling breakfast and a reasonable dinner each day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Beth!


I went on a Whole30-compliant backpacking trip last September, and had lots of same questions.  Here's the thread:




I ended up getting lots of pureed veggies in those little baby food packets (they make them for endurance athletes now too, and it's basically the same thing).  I had Epic bars along, but they were pretty gross in my opinion.  The tanka bites, if you can find them, were a better alternative for me.  I did have a lot of nuts and packets of tuna too.  Reading this forum and others, I found others who freeze dried their own food, but I never got that fancy.  And yes, I took lara bars and there was one long day of steep uphills where I really needed it since I was starting to bonk, and the lara bar gave me the quick boost needed, and did the trick immediately.


Have a great backpacking trip!  I'm planning one for August too.

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For long hikes, the wild Zora jerky bars rock. I also like epic bars but they can be a bit dry. Chomps sticks are good too. Bring a variety because over 7 days you will want choices!

I would also bring compliant baby food, pouches of tuna (Bumblebee makes a compliant one), and RXBars. I prefer the RXbars to LARABARS as they have egg white protein in addition to the dates, fig, and nuts so they tide you over longer. But I can't keep them in a desk drawer or bad habits ensue.

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