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My Vitamin has Rice Hull Concentrate??!


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Day 1 of Whole30l. I took my multivitamin (Perfect Fit for her by Tone it Up) I really notice a difference when taking them...more energy and such. HOWEVER I just noticed in the "other" ingredients there is "rice hull concentrate". I tried googling it because obviously rice concentrate isn't compliant I just wasn't 100% sure about the hull? I have read contradicting things about it causing inflammation (something I struggle with). I was wondering if anyone had a concrete answer on if I should not be taking these during my Whole30 Journey?

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The hull is the part of the rice which would normally be discarded, but it's still rice, stll a gut disrupter, & would therefore be off limits during your Whole30.

You could maybe find a compliant alternative? Or you may well find that eating this way will provide you with all the nutrients you need to give you more energy anyways....

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