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Day 31 Surprises - My Whole30 Results


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WHOLE 30 RESULTS - Day 31 
Well, the day has finally arrived. The anticipation has been killing me. It's Day 31 of my Whole30 and I finally was 'allowed' to step on the scale and retake measurements. I eagerly woke up and hopped on the scale hoping to see a number far lower than where I started. (Admittedly, I wanted to lose 10 lbs.) To my surprise, the scale registered a 1.2 lb. loss. 1.2 LBS!!! That's it??? WTF? I was immediately discouraged. 30 days of diligence for a measly 1.2 lbs?

Then I started remembering all of my non-scale victories (NSV): I am sleeping better, my skin is so smooth and clear (the dairy I suspect causes me to breakout), my fingernails are growing longer and stronger (I was a regular nail bitter/breaker), my energy is up, my mood is even and improved, my clothes are fitting better, I feel lighter and I am feeling stronger in my workouts. All of these things are wonderful and I am thrilled about these results!

Next, I took out my measuring tape, redid all of my measurements and compared them to a month ago. I lost at total of 9.25 inches from my entire body. Most notably, 2.5 inches off my stomach, 1.75 inches off my hips/butt and 0.75 inches off of my waist. smile emoticon

So the moral of my story it to DITCH THE SCALE!!! I was quickly feeling defeated by seeing the number staring back at me, but once I did my measurements and remembered the NSV's I realized that it is working and that the Whole30 accomplished so many more goals other than weight loss. My body composition changed in 30 days for the better. I am by no means done with my journey to health and wellness. I have only just begun. I am going to continue eating clean and I am going to up my weight training to build muscle and change my body composition even more. I am thinking of doing Whole30 round #2 in July after a friends wedding.

I want to remind you to NOT STEP ON THE SCALE DURING YOUR WHOLE30. You will ruin your motivation and it will make you want to give up. Stick with the plan, believe in the process and celebrate your NSV's.

Tonight I am going on a date with my love and I am going to indulge in some really delicious red wine and paleo/whole30ish dinner from a favorite restaurant.


PS - I am really proud of myself for seeing this process through. I did it! 


Thanks for reading! 

Orange County, CA 


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