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What Fat Source Should I be Eating?

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I'm confused about what fats I should be eating.  So for years, it's been driven into to me that eating saturated animals fats is bad (epsecially red meat) and I should be focused primarly on healthy fats like olive oil, salmon, and avocados.  I also know its better to eat more omega-3 than omega-6  but I'm ocnfused about good sources for omega-3 vs omega-6.  I also know i should be ating more seafood, but I can only afford to eat farm raised fish and I have a serious mental block eating fish that are raised in their own poo.  In addtion, I've read that farm raised fish don't have omega-3 unless their diets have been supplemented with it.  Also, is it true that grass-fed cows do actually contain omega-3s?  It's very confusing.  


Can you suggest the amount of animal fat I should be eating versuses healthy omega-3 fats? Should I be taking flaxseed supplents, etc.  

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I responded to this same post in the Can I Have section so I'm going to lock this thread to prevent confusing cross conversations. In the future please refrain from cross posting the same thing in multiple sections of the forums. 

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