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The crazy things people say


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 They drink soya milk/dairy free margarine instead of cow's milk and butter. :huh:



Ya, my brother is fat-phobic.  He eats toast with jelly but not butter ... does soy "chicken" ... eats low-fat Cheez-Its crackers ... etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So on the "eggs are dairy" topic


I worked at a Gluten-free and allergen friendly baker for about a year. Absolutely loved the job, had to leave because the owners were bat crap crazy. So we had to know every ingredient in all the products, over 100 products total. It was crazy but we were dealing with people who could die if they ate eggs, dairy, nuts. 


So when a new customer comes in the first thing we would do was ask them what they could not have and mark up our menu with everything they could/couldn't have. Everything is marked with "EF" egg free, "DF" dairy free and so on. I can not tell you how many times people would come in and say they couldn't have dairy and I was like awesome, you can have everything but 2 things. Then as I'm showing them what they can have they see the "EF" and ask what that means. I say Egg free, and suddenly its "oh I can't eat eggs!" These are people with sever reactions to eggs, like throat closes up and they die and they didn't know that eggs are not dairy. It was sad and terrifying that their doctors never explained it to them. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A friend's father:"So, eat white bread. There's no wheat in that!"


I had to dig this post up from 2.5 years ago - there's eerily some truth to it.


Re: eggs =/= dairy - I don't think that you can be too harsh on people.  The food pyramid (great bastion of the SAD diet and taught in most, if not all, North American public schools) has eggs in the dairy quadrant (or band of the "rainbow" in the new scheme), along with milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc.  Not sure why.  Would make more sense in the "meats & alternatives" where they have the fish, tofu, beans and legumes.


Fascinating reading on the "marketing" of the food pyramid (and myriad other subjects) is in Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto."  He certainly points out how little "real food" there is in grocery and supermarkets these days.




-Lauren (GGG)

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Recently I had lunch with my boss.  I had been explaining why grains could be potentially bad for people. Then our plates arrived.


B:  How is it that you will eat a potato but bread and pasta you won't eat and consider them bad for you?

M: Easy.  A potato is a vegetable.  Vegetables on average don't bother me.


Clearly he thought in his mind that I was doing some form of Atkins.....


Although truth be told I have never totally explained what a whole 30 was.  I have always told him that I eat mostly whole unprocessed foods which focuses on protein, vegetables and fruit, and healthy fats.

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  • 1 month later...

Everyone over here on the East Coast is freaking out because the Jonas Brothers are coming (okay, the storm is named Jonas, but saying Jonas Brothers is funnier). Get the milk! Get the bread! I need Wiiiiiiiiiine!


Went shopping with my friend yesterday and she asked me what I needed before the storm. I said "eggs; I'm almost out of mayo". She looked at me like I was crazy. 

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  • "You can't even have a little wine? It's just grapes." 

Friend who was supposedly doing w30, caught holding a beer in social media post: "As long as I stick to the main idea for the most part it's fine."

"Let's hang out next month when you're fun again" 

On not drinking at mimosa brunch: "OMG you're pregnant, huh?!?"

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  • "You can't even have a little wine? It's just grapes." 
  • Friend who was supposedly doing w30, caught holding a beer in social media post: "As long as I stick to the main idea for the most part it's fine."
  • "Let's hang out next month when you're fun again" 
  • On not drinking at mimosa brunch: "OMG you're pregnant, huh?!?"

That whole 'when you're fun again' thing really irks me... I'm accused of not being 'fun' all the time... I, actually, am a blast. the 'fun' that is being referred to is that the other person wants to indulge in whatever (cake, booze) and they don't want to feel judged for it (not that you're judging... that's all on them for how they feel).

Also, LOL at the 'main part for the most part'. Uh, booze is one of the MAIN PARTS! LOL!

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  • 5 weeks later...

A co-worker and I did W30 together in January and she did great - multiple NSVs and lost 12 lbs.  Two weeks ago she got really sick with some sort of intestinal issue - originally diagnosed as diverticulitis then said not divert. but maybe a virus... not really sure.  Anyway, another coworker who has multiple medical issues including celiac and RA told her that maybe it was the way she was eating on W30... seriously!  Maybe, just maybe it was the corn she had re-intro'd!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is so funny. I've definitely gotten the "Are you preggo?" because I'm not drinking - after I just told these girlfriends I'm done with babies and just sold every baby item I owned....


I also get a lot of "Wow, you're superwoman. I would never have the willpower to do that. You're so skinny now!!! I'm going to try this *enter crazy, nonsensical fad diet* to try and lose 15lbs"....umm...ok...or you could just do whole30.


I also get a lot of "What do you ACTUALLY eat outside of chicken and salad?" and it's hard to explain ALL of the food options and how I rarely eat just a salad.

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We received a snow blower as a wedding gift from my Mother.

Mother in Law:

Well, you know....

Our driveway is much longer,

and Ron has bad knees,

and we are abut to retire, SO

you should give us your snow blower, because your new wife needs the exercise.

Every time it snows she calls.

"You better not be using that snow blower, she needs to shovel the driveway!"

Oh my God that is so rude! I'd be so angry.

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  • 1 month later...

Four other people (one couple and two singles) are doing Whole30 in our small community now (hooray!), and one of the ladies is in my Bible study. Some of the other ladies were asking (again) about what is allowed and what isn't.


"Ohhhhh.... I thought it was a whole food diet, but you can eat meat, and meat isn't a whole food. But you can't eat beans, legumes, and grains, and those are whole foods, so I guess that's not what it is...." (cue approving nods from some of the Eat to Live fans in our group).


Ummm.... #speechless

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  • 1 month later...

There I was sitting at 3 am eating my lunch with a few other nurses.

One of them remarks that since i started my "diet" about 2 months ago, I've lost weight, seem to have more energy, skin looks better, hair looks great and I'm not complaining about my arthritic knees.

(I'm thinking..oh terrific, she has made the connection between what I eat and how I look and feel now)


She then says " I guess you can stop that silly diet now".


I really wish it was appropriate to hit your co-worker with a foam baseball bat.

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  • 4 weeks later...


  • ... 
  • Friend who was supposedly doing w30, caught holding a beer in social media post: "As long as I stick to the main idea for the most part it's fine.".....


This ^^^


my wife introduced me to W30, but then she's all 'I'm doing 90% of it, I'm losing weight, stop presurising me to do it properly, it's not a competition' etc, etc.


I don't think she ever really fully understood the idea properly.  she's 'give up carbs at breakfast', any any evening meals that I prepare I try to make sure they're compliant, and when I go for lunch I try to be compliant, as often as I can.

but sometimes, it's just "why do I bother?!"

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  • 6 months later...
On 1/14/2014 at 8:04 PM, Alliath said:

Ready for another one? This is a conversation that I actually had at work today. I am still confused by it.

Coworker: What are you having for dinner?

Ali: Meatloaf.

Coworker: How can you have meatloaf?

Ali: ... because it is a loaf made of meat? Also veggies.

Coworker: No, I mean... you can't have meatloaf without oats.

Ali: I would hazard a guess that you can, since it is in fact called a meat loaf and not an oat loaf. (Oat loaf would be a great band name.)

Coworker: Well... but you can't have ketchup.

Ali: I can if there are no sugar and no additives.

Coworker: Where did you possibly find ketchup without sugar?

Ali: Oh, I made some.


Ali: ... yes you can.

Coworker: HOW?

Ali: I found a recipe on the internet.


Ali: ... there you go again. This is a thing I have done. It occurred in the past. It has already happened.

Her tone was seriously as though I had stated I found a recipe for the philosopher's stone on the internet. KETCHUP: ONE OF THE LOST WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD, you guys.

Reading this one literally made me laugh until I peed my pants a little. 

I finished reading this topic & want more! Hilarious! 

Mine came before I started Whole30... having a conversation with a co-worker who has had weight-loss surgery (which would lead ME to believe she knows at least some basic stuff about nutrition & macronutrients - because don't you have to take classes & stuff before the surgery?? My mom did...) anyway, we got to talking about carbs, and she told me that meat has carbs in it. 

I was flabbergasted. I assumed she meant if you put breading on it or something, but as I kept pressing her, come to find out... no, she was quite positive that meat (just plain meat, such as ground beef straight from the butcher) has carbs in it. 

I literally had to find it online and show her that she was nuts before she would believe me. :o

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On 14 July 2016 at 2:14 PM, Crastney said:

This ^^^


my wife introduced me to W30, but then she's all 'I'm doing 90% of it, I'm losing weight, stop presurising me to do it properly, it's not a competition' etc, etc.


I don't think she ever really fully understood the idea properly.  she's 'give up carbs at breakfast', any any evening meals that I prepare I try to make sure they're compliant, and when I go for lunch I try to be compliant, as often as I can.

but sometimes, it's just "why do I bother?!"

I know it's bad form to quote yourself, but... in October/November time I asked the wife if she'd do Whole30 'properly' in January.  I thought I'd give her lots of advance warning. She initially said she would if I prepared all of the meals (!?!).  nearer the time I had to remind her to read the books as preparation (like ISWF, which i got her as a birthday present in April which she still hasn't read) - she skim read the Whole30 cookbook.  I'm not sure but I still dont' think she has read ISWF, as some of the things she says make me think she hasn't...  She cooked a stir fry, and as I sat down, I said 'ooh, make sure you don't eat the sweet corn' - she'd bought a pack of mixed stir fry veg with baby sweetcorn in it thinking that they would be ok as a Veg.  when I pointed out that they were 'corn' she didn't know that that was not ok.  I couldn't persuade her, as 'I've not read the book yet, because I can't read it till she's read it, as it's her present' ! (I have really - but don't tell her).  Anyway, she only had half a baby sweetcorn, and spat out the rest, and was all like 'I've not failed!  I'm not starting over!  I'm on day 27 FFS!' ...

the boy and I are going to my mothers at the weekend.  She asked if there was anything I wanted them to buy for my meals (especially breakfast).  I said not to bother buying anything special in (they don't have much spare money), and that I'd eat what they have, as I'll have finished the 30 days.  She said, but you can eat toast right?  I said no as it's made from flour, ie wheat/grain/gluten.  She said 'but people have eaten bread for thousands of years!' - I had to point out that there's a difference in eating the only thing you've got available so that you don't starve, and having everything possible available and chosing the most healthiest options.  I think she realised she'd lost that argument as she changed the subject.

She also says I shouldn't lose any more weight, and that this healthy eating isn't good for me, and that I need to eat more!  Three large meals a day, and I need to eat more!  my F-I-L the other day had a good one - he was asking the wife (his daughter) if she'd noticed any differences, and after a short conversation about it he said 'it is something that one could become obsessed with though.'  I think he was making a point that maybe I am obsessed with it, and am losing too much weight, to an unhealthy level.

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  • 1 month later...

I've thankfully not encountered too many crazy comments from friends or family. The nuttiest things come from coworkers, but even those are mostly "How in the world can you eat that for breakfast?!" whilst making faces and pointing to my container of grilled fish or baked chicken or hamburgers or whatever sitting atop steamed veggies and roasted or sautéed root vegetables, and with mayo or olives on the side. I usually answer by spooning a giant mouthful right in with a smile. Mmmmmmm.

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Colleague:  Wow you always eat so healthily!

Me: yeah, you should see what I eat at the weekends :)


at breakfast with MIL

MIL - what's this 'cashew butter?' looks a bit posh (ie expensive) - what's wrong with peanut butter?

Me: - peanuts aren't allowed on Whole30

MIL: but you're not doing Whole30 at the moment.

"I know, but we like it, and there's some left, so we're eating it"

"but you're not allergic to peanuts!"  (thanks for confirming that for me, I'd never have known! - I've never actually been tested, and I could be very slightly allergic, without knowing - that's what W30 is for right?  but she just 'knows' that I'm not allergic!  )

... she reads a bit of ISWF

"You can't have alcohol on Whole30! - I'll take back that bottle of Limnocello that we just gave you then if you're not going to be able to drink it" (they're just back from a trip to Italy)

"we're not doing Whole30 at the moment! we can have alcohol if we chose to" (didn't you see me sharing a bottle of wine with you at dinner only last night!?)

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On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 1:24 PM, Crastney said:


the boy and I are going to my mothers at the weekend.  She asked if there was anything I wanted them to buy for my meals (especially breakfast).  I said not to bother buying anything special in (they don't have much spare money), and that I'd eat what they have, as I'll have finished the 30 days.  She said, but you can eat toast right?  I said no as it's made from flour, ie wheat/grain/gluten.  She said 'but people have eaten bread for thousands of years!' - I had to point out that there's a difference in eating the only thing you've got available so that you don't starve, and having everything possible available and chosing the most healthiest options.  I think she realised she'd lost that argument as she changed the subject.

My understanding is that the wheat we eat today was genetically modified in the 80s to make it easier to grow so actually the bread we have today isn't actually the same bread that people have been eating for thousands of years. Let me see if I can find the source....


.... here we go: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/about/


Products made from modern wheat contain forms of gliadin proteins, glutenins, wheat germ ag-glutinin, and other proteins never before encountered by humans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went with my friend to go get her Rodeo Houston jacket for winning grand champion with TWO different lambs, one of which is a 3rd generation homegrown (meaning, she didn't buy it or it's parents... which is huge for a new breeder). 

So I'm sitting in line waiting to get the jacket, and I'm eavesdropping on the girl in front of me.

She was telling her friend that she was only going to have a pickle and some tea (Rodeo Houston sweet tea is the BEST) because she was on a diet. She then said "I've lost like 15 pounds since January. I've been doing this thing where I mostly have blended salads and then some fruit and yogurt for dinner. It sucks but it works!


Also had this with my mom today:


Mom: I'm stopping by McDonald's, do you want a coffee?

Me: No.

Mom: Why, because they keep messing it up? (Insert like 1 minute of silence) ... or is it because you can't have it?

Me: Both.

Mom: Well I'm still going, just because you're dieting doesn't mean I have to.

Me: I know. That's why I made breakfast.


Later, on the way back from the store


Mom: Slushes are half price now.

Me: ...

Mom: Do you want a slush from sonic?

Me: If you want one, go ahead.

Mom: (upon arrival at sonic) are you sure you don't want a slush? Corn dogs are only 50 cents....

Me: I'm good.

Mom: I really want to lose 30 pounds before we go to South Padre!


And then my brain just EXPLODED. Because she eats a bag of hostess donuts every day, a bag of Hershey kisses, a bag of cookies --- she gained 30lbs from her lowest weight that she had to have gastric bypass surgery to get to, from eating all this junk and then says it's because she's old and the surgery lowered her metabolism.

No Ma'am that's not how this works. I don't know how I keep my cool around her when she says that. At least I'm honest with myself about why I'm fat. She even lies to her doctors about how she eats. If it isn't what you eat that's causing these problems, why lie!?


At work:

I was hiding and eating lunch. I don't like people to see me eat, or see what I'm eating. So I hide in the spare room to eat lunch.

Coworker: OMG you scared me, what are you doing in here?!?

Me: Lunch.

Coworker: Oh. Hey, is that CUCUMBER? Are you eating... HEALTHY!?!

Me: No, it just looks that way.

Coworker: I didn't know you liked veggies!

Me: Only cucumber. And oranges. Cucumber and oranges.

Coworker: Oooooh. Yeah, you do like oranges!


And thus, catastrophe was skillfully averted. Although, Coworker may have the impression that I think oranges are vegetables.

But the shock in her voice when she saw the cucumbers. Dear God, it was like the world fell out from under her!


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On 1/29/2017 at 2:59 PM, denibear said:


I was flabbergasted. I assumed she meant if you put breading on it or something, but as I kept pressing her, come to find out... no, she was quite positive that meat (just plain meat, such as ground beef straight from the butcher) has carbs in it. 

I literally had to find it online and show her that she was nuts before she would believe me. :o

My mom (gastric bypass) was required to meet with a dietition, and would take me along because I could remember what she said. She also thought that meat was a carb... and she didn't understand that bread WASN'T a carb. Couldn't tell us what it was, but it most definitely wasn't a carb! 

After the doctor explained to her that she needed carbs to survive (she had told her that she was having no carbs, and was passing out often) is when we found out meat was a carb. Really, she was just eating carby sugary food with low fat labels, because she thought that due to milk and eggs they were protein and fat, which was sending her blood sugar through the roof.

The dietician was dumbfounded. 

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